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英语翻译Though O’Neill was on the whole silent during the thirti

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 16:56:34
Though O’Neill was on the whole silent during the thirties and some of his works began to suffer from negative criticisms,he kept working hard in isolation at Tao House ,his stately mansion in Danville,California,and produced the best and greatest plays of the modern American theater late in his life.The Iceman Cometh proves to be a masterpiece in the way it is a complex,ironic,deeply moving exploring of human existence,written out of a profound insight into human nature and constructed with tremendous skill and logic Long Day’s Journey Into Night is equally impressive .The play can be read autobiographically,since some parts of the story are fairly closely based on O’Neill’s own family.However,like most great works to literature,the play reaches beyond its immediate subject,dedicated not only to the life of the American family,but also “to the life to man,to life itself.” As a product of hard-won art,Long Day’s Journey Into Night has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of O’Neill’s literary career and the coming of age of American drama.
Of all the plays O’Neill’s wrote,most of them are tragedies dealing with the basic issues of human existence and predicament:life and death,illusion and disillusion,alienation and communication,dream and reality,self and society,desire and frustration ,etc .His characters in the plays are described as seeing meaning and purpose in their lives in different ways,some through love ,some through religion ,others through revenge ,but all meet disappointment and despair.As a playwright,O’Neill himself was constantly wrestling with these issues and struggling with the perplexity about the truth of life.He was searching for and answer both psychologically and artistically,and his dramatic thought followed a tragic pattern running through all his plays ,from a celebration and exaltation of “pipe dreams”,the romantic dream so to speak,to the doubt about the reality of the dream or the inevitability of the defeat .So his final dramas became “transcendental “,in the way that the dramatization of man’s effort in finding the secret of life results in a reconciliation with the tragic impossibility.
尽管奥尼尔在上个世纪三十年代(或者理解成:在他30几岁的时候,这个要结合他的生平了)都鲜有作品问世(或者翻译成:几乎是沉寂的),而且他的一些作品还遭到了负面的评论.但是他默默创作的身影留在了tao house,留在了他位于丹弗尔的豪宅,留在加利福尼亚,并在他的晚年为美国现代社会创作了最伟大的剧本.他的著作The Iceman Cometh 被后世公认为将人的一生的复杂,冷嘲热讽和深切的同情感动描绘的淋漓尽致的杰作.在Long Day’s Journey Into Night 这部作品中他通过深刻的洞察力结合极好的写作技巧将人类的本性毫无遗漏的刻画在世人面前.这部著作可以当成是他的自传来读,因为其中的一些故事情景源于奥尼尔真实的家庭生活.尽管如此,就像大多数文学杰作一样,它们都是源于生活又高于生活的,这部作品不仅仅是专注于美国式的家庭,更反映了“人类的生活和生活本身”.作为一部难得的佳作Long Day’s Journey Into Night不仅成为了世界名著同时标志着奥尼尔文学创作生涯的顶点和美国戏剧时代的来临.在奥尼尔所有的作品中,绝大部分都是围绕人类生存和困境发生的悲剧:生与死,幻想与破灭,自闭和敞开心胸,梦想和现实,自私和公益,希望和失望等等.他作品中流露出来的是通过不同的方式对人生意义和目的的追求,有些是通过爱,有些是通过宗教信仰,还有些人一辈子冤冤相报,但是都归结于失望甚至于绝望.作为一个剧作家,奥尼尔一生都在探寻生命的真理.他在寻找一个心里上和艺术上都适合的答案.悲剧色彩贯穿了他的所有作品,从“pipe dream”的庆贺和兴奋到浪漫主义到怀疑论,这一切都是围绕梦想的实现和失败的必然展开的.所以他后期的作品转为了“抽象派”,通过夸张的手法又带有必然的悲剧色彩描述人们努力寻找生命的真谛却最终归结于平静.