作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 02:11:48

解题思路: 理解内容,分清逻辑关系,组织语言,注意惯用表达和较高级句型
A mediocre man questioned his destiny so that he paid a visit to a Buddhist monk for help ,inquiring “Do you believe in the so-called fate?”“Yes” replied the monk.“Am I doomed to be destitute all life?”the man asked again. Asking him to show his left palm,the monk pointed at it and explained:“Are you clear?The horizontal line is the love line while the oblique is the career line,and another is the vertical called the life line.” As the words were finished,slowly, the monk held his hand tightly with the man asked to follow him . Another question came from the monk,“Can you figure out where are the lines?”Puzzled ,the man’ answered :“in my hand!”“What about the fate?”Hearing this,the man suddenly realized the truth that it was in his own hand rather than in others' that‘ one's destiny was.