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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 10:22:53
the great beautiful ancient time-on my manuscript paper,represents suspension points which make us feel void; on my bookshelves,represents poetrys which are beautifully designed and bound but covered with dust; in my drawer,represents photoes which include everyone's smile; in my dream,represents names which I shout out unconscious; in my pocket,represents gnomes which are most close to my heart-is gradually away from me.
now,I am sitting,in the deep autumn,in the cane chair.the ancient time is like the falling leaves.I want to hold it; do not wanna it falls down such heavlily,because of the long time trip to the earth.this is the only way that i can apologize to the ancient time.
i will apologize to the friends leaving me in succession.I don't know how to put pen to letter and how to end the letter.yet,i don't know how to process the letter word by word.
i will apologize to each heart which is obtained but lost again.i didn't cherish you; just hope the god will favor me.hope each lost honest heart will be obtained again.
i will apologize to the ancient crafts which are leaving us farther and farther.i never watch shadow play veriestly for one time; never found an old squareman to make a cupboard; never found a needleman to make a robe; never found a "剃头担子"(barber) to deal with the hair...i will apologize to the becautiful ancient time,for i even have no time to yearn it and dream it.
英语翻译美好的旧日时光,渐行渐远.在我的稿纸上,它们是代表怅惘的省略的句点;在我的书架上,它们是那本装帧精美,却蒙了尘灰 英语翻译.弟弟在读我放在书架上一本有趣的书. 英语翻译1.这本书比那本书长两倍 2.汽车的总产量比去年增加了两倍 3.我昨天带来放在书架上的一本新的汉英成语词典,对翻 我在去年这个时候打印了几张图画,放在了我的桌子上的塑料垫板下,现在把它们取了出来,发现垫板上有黄色的一片片的印记,是那几 在电视上看它们的英语翻译 英语翻译走在十字街头,望着来来往往与自己毫无关系的行人和车,看着它们如此的喧闹着,我知道它们是幸福的,但我却累了,很累, 在庆祝教师节那天我亲手做了一张精美的贺卡送给我敬爱的老师为了表达祝福我在贺卡上写下了心里话是怎么写 英语翻译1、她的电冰箱是在左边还是在右边?2、桌子在房间的中间吗?3、书架上的那本书是一本英语书.4、在大门附件的年轻人 英语翻译1.这书架太大了,占去了很多空间.2.这张照片总能让我想起我上大学的时光.3.这本书跟我去年买的很类似.4.他一 英语翻译我昨天买的那张cd在书架上那是他们看过的最有趣的电影我们正在找的那个男孩是lily的弟弟那辆红色的小汽车是她爸爸 池塘 贾平凹1赏析“它们认不得我,我却牢牢记住了它们,摇着岸边的一株梧桐,落一片叶儿到它们身边,我觉得那 便是我了,在它 将240本书分别放在三个书架上.一号书架比三号书架少放12本,二号书架和三号书架所放的图书比为2:5.一号书架上放了几本