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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 08:02:23
哪个大虾帮下忙翻译下下面的内容··一百分的感谢!本次毕业设计的题目为云南建水锰矿有限责任公司200kt/a锰系合金节能减排工程给排水项目.主要任务是完成该项目给排水的初步设计.其中初步设计要完成给水管网总平面图及循环泵站平面图个一张.循环泵站筑物设计中,主要是完成给水泵房、循环水池的平面图和剖面图.该工程工艺流程为:企业一、二期总用水量为187556m3/d,其中净循环冷却水量166656m3/d,浊循环冷却水量9600 m3/d,二次利用水量2542 m3/d,软水量3600 m3/d,新水量5158 m3/d.排水量2542 m3/d(排水全部供二次利用水,实际外排量为零)损失和消耗水量8758 m3/d.企业外部水源为距企业1.5Km的绵羊冲水库,水量完全满足企业用水量要求.据建水县卫生检验中心对该水库的水质分析报告(检字第2008—164号),除细菌及浊度指标超标外,其他指标均满足生活饮用水水质要求.生产用水直接由循环水池供给.生活用水由生活水池供给.生活用水应符合国家饮用标准;冶炼工艺用水按照工艺专业要求而定.关键词:国家饮用水标准;检字第2008-164号,水量要求 
The graduation design topic for Yunnan Jianshui manganese limited liability company 200kt / a manganese alloy energy-saving emission reduction projects of water supply and drainage project. The main task is to complete the project preliminary design of water supply and drainage. During the preliminary design to complete the water distribution network layout and plane of a circulating pump. Circulating pump station building design, is the completion of the main water pumping stations, water cycle of plan and section. The engineering process for enterprises: one or two total water consumption is 187556m3 / D, among which the net circulating cooling water of 166656m3 / D, turbid circulating cooling water of 9600 m3 / D, two times using water of 2542 m3 / D, soft water of 3600 m3 / D, 5158 m3 / D new content. A displacement of 2542 m3 / D ( drainage entirely for two times using water, the actual displacement is zero ) and loss of water consumption of 8758 m3 / d. From the enterprise external source for enterprise 1.5Km sheep red reservoir, water to satisfy water requirements enterprises. According to county health inspection center of the reservoir 's water quality analysis report ( 2008th characters - 164 ), in addition to bacteria and turbidity parameters exceed the standard, other indicators meet the drinking water quality requirements. Production water supply directly from the circulating pool. Domestic water supply from the pool of life. Should meet the national drinking water standards; smelting process water in accordance with the professional requirement of the process set. Key words: the national drinking water standards; characters No. 2008-164, water requirement