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一道英语介词选择题the home improvements have taken what little there

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 11:55:44
the home improvements have taken what little there is( ) my spare time
a from b in c of d at
The home improvements have taken what little there is _____my spare time
A from B in C of D at
析:这是2001年的高考题.考作定语的介词短语中的介词的选择,名词性从句、定语从句,there be 句型及句子的理解.
此句的主语是the home improvements, 家庭装修,谓语是have taken,宾语是后面的这一个部分.
中心词是what little,
它受两个定语的修饰:一个是定语从句there is,另一个是介词短语of my spare time.由于定语从句在前,介词短语只好放在后面.随便说一下,there+be结构用作定语从句时,关系代词(that) 往往省略.原句可改写为:
The house improvements have taken what little of my spare time (that) there is.
其实there is不要也不影响理解,插入其中,反倒是为了增加难度.
what few 和what little 常常一起使用,有些词典已把它们作为惯用法单独列出.如《朗曼当代英语词典》(P1252)上是这么说的:
what few/what little :those few which,or that little which 并举了下面两个例子:
1.I told him what little I knew on the subject.(我把我对这个主题仅知道的一点告诉了他)
2.He visits what few friends he has.(他常去拜访仅有的几个朋友.)
PS:这道题目不仅不好理解,还很容易做错,正是因为这个其实可省的there is.
我们都很熟悉there be 句型: there is sth. in some place/ 在某个时间 等等.
所以在做题目时,很多人都会还原并简化成:there is (what) little ____ my spare time. 进行介词的选择.
如果不理解整句话的逻辑,光看这个there be句型,填from, in, at都比填of 顺口.
请大家参考:小议what的一个特殊用法 ,作者:zfywskt
评:这属于难题,陷井题,有争议的题.即使看了上面的文章,还是难以令人信服,因为这是为出题而编出来的句子.如果是要考查what, little的用法,要表达那层意思,根据已有的例句,说:
The house improvements have taken what little spare time I have. (仿He visits what few friends he has.)就可以了.根本不需要这个"of"
或:The house improvements have taken what little spare time of mine.