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英语翻译文章 中国历史故事

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/22 10:24:05
英语翻译文章 中国历史故事

单口相声张广泰回家中提到 洪宝泰请老恩师李柏辰吃的一道菜 血馅得蒸饺
我想把它推荐给我的外国朋友 不过他们中文理解能力不是很好  我的翻译又不是很完美



血馅蒸饺所采用的是鸡鸭血,中国清朝有一位武将叫神力王达摩苏,是康熙皇帝的叔叔,清兵入关时打李自成追张献忠(这里可以说成击败李自成和张献忠) 权倾朝野号称满洲第一勇士(这里可以翻译为中国第一勇士,我感觉满洲不太好理解).他在每天早朝之后要骑着马围绕北京城跑一圈,然后到西单吃血馅的蒸饺.这个饺子是为他研制的,因为骑马会把土以及不干净的东西吸到肺离,鸡鸭血是清肺的. 1937年日军侵占华北,禁止吃动物血,所以从那时候开始这种血馅的蒸饺近乎失传,很少有人做了.

完美答案追加100 老师们帮帮忙 学好英语推广一下中国的传统文化
Steamed Dumplings with Blood Fillings

The steamed blood-filled dumplings were made with chicken and duck blood.
There was a mighty general called Wangdamosu, the uncle of Emperor
Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, who defeated Li Zicheng and Zhang xianzhong
and was regarded as the first valiant fighter in the Qing Dynasty. Every
morning after attending the Court,he would rode on the horse back to run
a round around the city Beijing. Then he would go to Xidan to eat the
steamed blood-filled dumplings. These dumplings were specially prepared
for him. For while riding the horse, he would breath in a lot of dust and
dirt into his lungs. And the duck and chicken blood can help keep the lungs
clean. However eating animal blood was forbidden after the Japanese
occupied Noth-China. Since then the steamed blood-filled dumplings
were almost missing and few people make them now.