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作文 急急急!谢谢老师

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 04:59:19
据了解 许多父母到孩子所在的中学附近租房“陪读”。就此现象人们意见不一。请根据下问题是,用英语写一篇120词左右的短文,并发表自己的看法。 赞成者理由 反对者理由 1照顾孩子;让孩子安心学习 1孩子在学校里应该学会自理,不应过分依靠父母 2监管孩子,防止其养成抽烟、上网成瘾的习惯 2浪费父母的时间和金钱 注意 :开头 已写好 不计入总词数 should parents rent houses near their children's schools to accompany them?
解题思路: 根据内容提示完成写作任务。
以下范文,仅供参考: Should parents rent houses near their children's schools to accompany them? Some people are in favor of the idea. In their opinion, parents can take better care of their children by staying with them so that their children can put their hearts into studies. What's more, parents can prevent their children from falling into bad habits like smoking or being addicted to the Internet. Others, however, hold the opposite opinion. They argue that students should learn to care for themselves instead of depending on their parents, which will be very important for their future. Besides, it is a waste of money and time for parents to rent another house.
  In my opinion, we students are old enough and have the ability to look after ourselves. There's no need for parents to do everything for us. We should start taking some responsibility for ourselves or we'll never grow up.
