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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/03 13:32:42
In the subsequent chapters Verbeek provides a lucid and admirably informed analysis of the work of more recent approaches,including the material hermeneutic of Don Ihde,Albert Borgmann’s theory of technological mediation,and the actor-network theory associated with BrunoLatour with its beguiling treatment of humans and nonhumans (aka 2006 “things”) as conjoined fellow “actants” in a single network of interactive relationships.Building on these positions,Verbeek moves toward a post-Cartesian and post-phenomenological perspective which is capable of describing technologies not simply in terms of their obvious functionality—whether food processing,word processing,or data processing—but also as mediating the subjective and objective relation between human beings and their world:How do they affect us?What behaviors do they favor or discourage?How do they enter into our relations with others?
This move—from the existence of technology to our experience of the world through it—brings us,finally,to design.Indeed,it is a commonplace in professional practice today—arrived at without recourse to Hegel,Husserl,or Heidegger—that the task at hand is no longer to design “things” at all but rather “experiences.” It is precisely at this point,however,that Verbeek commits a glaring conceptual blunder by distinguishing between the “material utility” and the “social-cultural utility” of products.It is surprising to encounter the old dichotomy between engineered function and designed meaning at the end of a treatise that has so skillfully dismantled one such invidious dualism after another.Technology,too,is laden with referential signification,just as it is unwise to presume that aesthetic categories have no function.