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满意的加送200分 人工英语翻译 急~~~~~

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 15:46:55
满意的加送200分 人工英语翻译 急~~~~~
But the aim of the government and its technocrats is to curtail and destroy those movements. Ministers and advisers use their prestige and experience from 1968 against the movements.
When students occupied the ole Normale Supieur, the government figure arguing to send the police in firmly and swiftly had himself taken part in the occupations of 1968.
People in Germany and in Britain often tell me that it must be wonderful to live in France with the 35 hour week and other reforms. But those gains are a result of the pressure of the movements. They are not freely given by the government. The left government believes it can be more successful than the right in controlling those movements.
How do your sociological ideas influence your political stance? You developed your ideas when structuralism was the main influence on French intellectuals.
I was not a structuralist. That approach saw the world as composed of structures which strictly determine the way people act. There was no scope for human agency. As the structuralist Marxist Louis Althusser said in the 1960s, human beings were merely the 'unconscious bearers of objective structures'. The results of my anthropological work in Algeria in the 1950s did not fit into this structuralist framework.
Of course people are structured by society. They are not, as free market theory holds, isolated individuals each deciding a course of action by making individual economic calculations. I developed the concept of 'habitus' to incorporate the objective structures of society and the subjective role of agents within it.
The habitus is a set of dispositions, reflexes and forms of behaviour people acquire through acting in society. It reflects the different positions people have in society, for example, whether they are brought up in a middle class environment or in a working class suburb.
但是政府和它的专家的目的就是缩减甚至禁止这些运动.部长们和顾问们利用他们的威望和从1968年得到的经验来抵制这些运动.在1968年当学生们占据了ole normale supier(一条大街或者是一个广场),很快政府坚定的表示要派遣警察,让自己卷入到1968的运动当中.德国人和英国人经常告诉我在法国生活一定很舒服,因为法国一个星期35小时工作制和其他别的政策.但是这些改革政策就是这些运动(游行示威)的成果.政府不会轻易的做出这些改革政策.政府中的左派人士认为左派的作风会比右派更好的控制的这些运动的发生.
我不是一个唯物主义者.它把世界看作物质的反应,人类活动也完全是物质决定的.完全没有人的主观意识.马克思主义者Louis Althusser在19世纪60年代说人类只不过是客观物质无意识的表现.我50年代在阿尔及利亚的人类学研究的成果和这个唯物主义观点不符.当然人类是由社会所决定的.人不是被自由市场理论禁锢的,孤立的单独的由经济理论决定自己的行为.我发展了“habitus”这个概念,就是把社会的客观物质性和人的主观性融合一起.“habitus”反应和表现了行动的人通过行为从社会中获得需要.它反应了社会中人具有不同社会地位,例如他们是在中产阶级家庭中抚养长大的或者是工薪阶层.