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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 20:53:55
企业筹集资金的目的是为了把资金用于生产经营活动以便取得盈利,不断增加企业价值.企业把筹集 到的资金投资于企业内部用于购置固定资产、无形资产等,便形成企业的对内投资;企业把筹集到的资金投资于购买其他企业的股票、债券或与其他企业联营进行投资,便形成企业的对外投资.这种因企业投资而产生的资金的收支,便是由投资而引起的财务活动.
A) enterprise financing cause financial activities
In the commodity economy condition, enterprise to engage in business, first must raise a certain quantity of capital, the enterprise through the issuance of stocks, bonds, absorption direct investment and way to raise money, for the performance of the enterprise capital income. Enterprise to repay the loan, pay interest, dividends and pay all kinds of fundraising expenses, etc, is behaved for enterprise capital spending. This for fund raising and produce capital of payments, is caused by the enterprise financing financial activities.
(2) enterprise investment caused by the financial activities
Enterprise raise money for the purpose of the funds for the production and business operation activities in order to obtain profit, increase enterprise value. Enterprise to raise capital investment in the enterprise internal to purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets, etc, they form enterprise inward investment; Enterprises to raise capital investment to the purchase of other enterprises stocks, bonds or other enterprise associated with investment, they form enterprise of foreign investment. This kind of for enterprise investment and of generation of cash inflows and outflows, is caused by the investment and financial activities.
(3) caused by the enterprise management financial activities
Enterprise in the normal course of business, will be in a series of fund balance of payments. First, the enterprise to purchase materials or products, so that engaged in production and sales activities, and at the same time, but must pay salary and other operating expenses; Second, when the products or commodities sold enterprise, he or she can get income, take back the capital; Again, if the enterprise existing capital can't meet the needs of enterprise management, we will take short-term borrowing way to raise capital they need. The above the income and expenses of fund can produce enterprise, this is to belong to enterprise management cause financial activities.
(4) caused by the enterprise distribution financial activities
Enterprise in the business process will generate profit, also may be due to foreign investment and share in the profits, which shows that the enterprise has the capital appreciation in the value of the investment or obtain remuneration. Enterprise profits according to prescribed procedures distribution. First of all, to pay tax in accordance with law; And then used to cover losses, extraction accumulation fund, the chest; The last to investors profits. This kind of for profit distribution and produce money payments will belong to by the profit distribution and cause financial activities.
再问: 确定是会计英语翻译?不是百度在线翻译的么?
英语翻译1、翻译(汉译英)企业财务活动是以现金收支为主的企业资金收支活动的总称.包括以下内容:(一)企业筹资引起的财务活 英语翻译在现代化的商品经济条件下,财务管理是企业的一项必不可少的基本经济管理活动.财务是涉及企业资金的活动,企业财务活动 英语翻译请求翻译2个题目1.试论企业现金管理2.试论企业无形资产的核算3.现金、现金管理、现金收支第三点是几个词, 英语翻译筹资风险是指与企业筹资相关的风险,即企业筹集借入资金给财务成果带来的不确定性.企业无论采取何种筹资方式都会面临相 如何判断企业发生的所有现金活动哪些属于投资活动,哪些是筹资活动,哪些是经营活动现金流量? 英语翻译现金是企业中流动性最强的资产,是持有一定现金量企业维持正常生产活动的基础,是保证企业资金链断裂造成的财务危机的必 英语翻译企业财务管理的目标是指企业财务管理工作所要达到的最终目的,也是评价企业财务活动是否合理的基本标准.财务管理是企业 英语翻译筹资活动贯穿于企业发展的整个过程之中,成立一个企业最根本的前提是要先筹资,有了一定的资本基础,企业的发展才能正式 预算收支的分类 英语翻译企业财务管理目标是企业财务管理活动所希望实现的结果.是分析和评价企业理财活动是否合理的基本标准.对整个企业管理活 英语翻译财务管理目标又称理财目标,是指企业进行财务活动所要达到的根本目的,它决定着企业财务管理的基本方向.财务管理目标是 我国的会计核算应以人民币作为记账本位币.业务收支以外币为主的企业,也可选择某种外币作为记账本位币