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请帮忙翻成英语白羊座适合的欧洲城市:森林与湖泊之都--柏林 德国柏林有“森林与湖泊之都“的称誉,整个城市隐没在森林和草地

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 09:03:13
森林与湖泊之都--柏林 德国柏林有“森林与湖泊之都“的称誉,整个城市隐没在森林和草地的环抱中,宛如一座绿色大岛,大自然的气息符合白羊天然而单纯的气质.柏林也是一座非常energetic的城市,羊儿直爽的个性,也能适应直白的德国作风.在这样一个欧洲文化古都生活,能享受到欧洲名胜古迹留下来的历史气息,再加上毫不做作的天然美景,羊儿定能深切地体验到柏林人传统的浪漫和潇洒的生活.
金色的盛宴--阿姆斯特丹 阿姆斯特丹因为拥有美丽的郁金香、宁静的运河、和谐的风车、珍贵的艺术收藏,以及心胸开放的居民,吸引着整个世界.宁静而温暖的田园生活,适合心思沉稳的金牛,过悠闲而富足的生活.而一向有财运的他们,在这片土地上,稍作经营,大可满载而归哦.拥有最会运用色彩的梵高和伦勃郎,市内林立的博物馆囊括了荷兰所有知名画家的作品,受金星影响的金牛座极具艺术鉴赏力,相信这座文化艺术名城一定会让牛牛大开眼界!
“多瑙河明珠”--布达佩斯 在多瑙河畔座落着一座古老而美丽的城市,这就是被人们誉为“多瑙河明珠”的匈牙利首都布达佩斯(Budapest).静静的多瑙河自北向南,在匈牙利中间流过,也把布达佩斯一分为二--布达和佩斯.布达佩斯酷似一首凝固的史诗,一件精琢的工艺品,曾被评为名国首都中最安静的城市.静谧,安详,还有美丽宁静的多瑙河,我想,居家型的蟹蟹应该能陶醉其中吧!
Aries suitable Europe city:forest and lake capital--Berlin Germany Berlin has “the forest and the lake “praising,the entire city is hidden in the forest and in lawn surrounding,just like a green Oshima,the nature breath conforms to the white sheep natural and the pure makings.Berlin is also a very energetic city,Yang Er the frank individuality,can also adapt the straightforward German attitude.In this kind of European culture ancient capital life,can enjoy the historical breath which remains down to Europe scenic spot and historic resort,in addition not the artificial natural beautiful scene,Yang Er surely can experience Berlin person tradition sincerely romantic and the natural life.taurus suitable Europe city:golden color grand feast--Because the Amsterdam Amsterdam has the beautiful tulip,the tranquil canal,the harmonious windmill,the precious artistic collection,as well as the heart open resident,is attracting the entire world.Tranquil and warm idyllic life,suitable thoughts calm Jin Niu,excessively leisurely and carefree and abundant life.But always has good luck in making money them,on this land,makes the management slightly,may return home with a full load greatly.Will have most using color Fangao and Rembrandt,the museum which the city will stand in great numbers included the Dutch all well-known painter's work,is affected the taurus Venus to have the artistic percipient extremely,believed that this cultural art famous city certainly will let the small snail broaden the outlook!Cancer suitable Europe city:“Danube River pearl”--Budapest is being located in the Danube River bank ancient and the beautiful city,this is been honored as by the people “the Danube River pearl” Hungary capital Budapest (Budapest).The static Danube River from north to south,winds through among Hungary,also Budapest one divides into two--Proclamation and Pais.Budapest resembles a coagulation the epic poem,an essence carves the handicraft,was evaluated once in the famous country capital the most peaceful city.Quiet,serene,but also has the beautiful tranquil Danube River,I thought that the home crab crab should be able to be infatuated with!