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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/11 01:49:47
There was a time when I do not have to experience this kind of suffering feelings. There was a time when I am as simple as a clear pool which does not get into a wave. Those times are gone forever living me a broken heart and a pair of lame legs.
What will you grab if flames coming up the stairs in your house. You’ve got only sixty seconds to grab one thing from your home and get out of the dangerous house safely. What if the fire really comes out of your heart burning your memories down? Sometimes you just have admit that you can dish it. But you can’t take it. Can you?

A lovely romance story always stars with a beautiful girl and a handsome boy and ends with the fire of love which sparkling all over those two loving birds. Perhaps I am just not the right one to suit into one of those love stories.

The most touching words in the whole world is “I love you.” “May you never steal, lie or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat , then please cheat death. Because I could not live a day without you”

Do you really know what you are? You are a beast. I can not stand you. But I am onto you at the same time. All your beastishness is like an act. It is just a great, big, massive cover-up. You growl and you snap, but you are in pain. You have got a big thorn in your beasty paw. Like a lion. Like a dog…
第三段主要注意“start with...end with...”,即"由什么开始,由什么结束".还有就是语序的问题,注意一下也就没有问题了.
第四段,其他都好翻译,有个地方要注意,就是“lie with me”.承前翻译,可能会错翻译成“对我说谎”,但是注意,“对我说谎”的正确翻译是“lie to me”.注意介词!同时lie有“躺,卧”的意思,这里我认为是作者的双关,“lie with me”,应该翻译为“与我同眠”之类的意思.