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求翻译,明天duty report用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/08 22:48:02
求翻译,明天duty report用
PS:→→→在线翻译的闪边吧,在线等,好的加分 。要求语法正确语言通顺,高中水平
1,他,中学毕业后,没有工作,只会做\x0b梦;好不容易当上演员, 却做了8年“跑龙套”,即使路途艰苦,他也能保持乐观,坚持奋斗,成为家喻户晓的喜剧之王——周星驰。
after graduated from middle school,he had no job and could only dream for something;it was so hard that he worked as a actor,but he had done as the walk-on for 8years,though the way was hard for him,he could still keep optimistic,and keep on hard-working,then he became the well-known king of comedy---he was zhou xingchi.
his experience told us that lowliness was the first lesson of our life,and it was only for studying this lesson well,there would come the oppurtunity to make our life jewelly.
his laughter revealed unadorned sense to us.
he made people all over the world feel happy.