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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 09:33:07
Negotiation awareness
All products and services have prices.Price comparisons can be difficult to make because of consideration of credit terms,delivery,trade-in allowance,guarantees,quality and other forms of services.What price will produce the greatest profit over a long period of time?There is no way to really determine this price accurately.I s the price too high to produce a large volume?Too low to cover cost?No other area of marketing poerations has been more misundrerstood and subject to so much bad pratice.Many businesses pursre unsound pricing policees fro long periods witheout becoming aware of it.Prices are determined in various ways.For example,agricultural prices(cotton,wheat) are decided in large central-markets where forces of supply and demand exist.This is pure price competition.Industrial product prices are decided by large companies.A few competiong sellers control the amout and price of good sold to large numbers of buyers.Although competition is the public goal for most businessese in the U.S.,most operate in imperfect compttition.Prices are also set by the gobvernment,particularly for public utility services--railroads,electricity,particularly for public services,etc.When demand increases,prices rise,profits expand and new investmetn is attracted.But we see that there are ohter factors involved.Prices are related to each other in various ways.Ultimately,everything is related in price,since the consumer can buy only so much and must pay for everything out for particular,limited amount of money.