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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/23 15:32:37
在经济环境好的因素下,许多人就喜爱到商店去购买宠物.因此,许多商贩利用这个良好时机,过度繁殖宠物.由此产生了一些的消极影响比如:由于近亲繁殖,产生了一些所谓的畸形儿; 宠物数量增多,而之后的购买需求降低后,无路可销,造成了不课避免的负担和遗弃行为.特别是在经济萧条的情况下,尤其严重.这样的恶性循环是显而易见的.
Under the influence of economy surges,many people like to buy pets from petshops.Therefore,many hucksters use this opportunity to breed as many pets as possible.This resulted in many negative aspects:blood related animals are bred which caused a lot of deformed pets to be born.Since the number of pets increases,there isn't great demand of those pets anymore.In the end,many pets were deserted due to the irresponsibilities of those people.This condition is worsened under economy breakdown because what goes around,comes around.
人工翻译,不是十全十美.恶性循环这里我用了英语谚语:what goes around,comes around 表面字指“什么抛过去的自然会回来”
deformed = 畸形的
influence = 受到影响下
huckster = 商贩(贬义)
breakdown = 衰弱 (经济,身体健康,等)