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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 02:59:53
The Unilever Group is one of the world's most famous commodity consumption, and its success not only because of his company's strategy, management, personnel hiring, largely reflected also because of its social responsibility report on corporate culture. Looked at the Unilever Group's corporate social responsibility report, I realized that a business in addition to complying with the necessary economic principles, but also to help the community to achieve the basic objectives of the responsibility, the greater the enterprise the greater social responsibility and corporate will assume the benefits of social responsibility, corporate social responsibility activities and its enterprise value is closely related to. In my opinion, a business only pay full attention to social responsibility, will have good long-term development, in order to have better long-term investment value,
Enterprises conscious social responsibility activities to benefit more. Unilever's social responsibility to the book we can see, children, sustainable agriculture, support the disaster areas, and Qiang cultural heritage, to embrace the World Expo, to protect water resources, a look is not a public social activities. It is through these social responsibility activities, potentially expand Unilever's influence in our hearts, to improve the position of Unilever brands in people's minds, Unilever, while carrying out social responsibility activities, is actually going on an invisible giant advertisement. Unilever said, a home, there Unilever, let us feel warm, Unilever's social responsibility activities, community feel warm. Corporate social responsibility activities is a win-win activities, like small businesses sponsored by the school community activities, in support of educational activities for their own expanding influence. I think, which is why Unilever to become world-renowned multinational companies one of the reasons it
英语翻译联合利华集团是全球最知名的日用品消费公司之一,它的成功不仅是因为其公司的战略,管理,人才聘用,很大程度上还因为从 英语翻译今天我要介绍的是百事可乐百事公司是世界上最成功的消费品公司之一,在全球200多个国家和地区拥有14万雇员,在20 英语翻译企业人才战略管理研究[摘要]:人才战略管理是现代企业战略管理中的一项重要内容.本文通过对企业战略规划的趋向分析. 集团团结而成功的故事这个集团或者是公司要是真实的! 英语翻译人才战略:优秀的人才是实现企业战略目标的基石,是企业持续发展的动力.公司以科学的人才培养方法、有效的激励机制、公 英语翻译因为管理一个公司,毕竟是不能面面俱到,另外管理,不管怎么制度化,必然是会有漏洞的,别人如果想钻漏洞,总是能钻到的 英语翻译1:显然,她向这家公司提供资金,是因为她认为该公司会盈利.2:中国是最古老的文明摇篮(cradle)之一,访问这 英语翻译我想在沈阳工作,因为我的家在东北,比较习惯东北.感谢华晨宝马给了我这次电话面试机会,华晨宝马是一个知名的大公司, 英语翻译因为是公司用 ,所以求最官方正确的翻译!是交易咨询!不好意思打错了。 英语翻译A公司是B集团旗下C株式会社全额出资组建的公司. 英语翻译“因为它是某一个公司制作的” 英语翻译“泰悦”是个公司名字,英文翻译成,类似“喜达屋”是“starwood””泰悦“ 是和喜达屋集团很类似的一家管理公