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提供一篇关于“好人(good man )”的英语文章

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/10 16:55:10
提供一篇关于“好人(good man )”的英语文章
Too many people just assume that they know what a 鈥済ood man鈥 is.Because a man or an organization (composed of 鈥済ood men鈥?builds hospitals,schools,an orphanage,an old-folks home,gives to medical research,to needy relatives,to charities,or because he is pleasant,honest,kind,loyal,refined,cheerful,honorable,or possesses those qualities which endears him to his neighbor,he is called 鈥済ood,鈥 a 鈥済ood man.鈥 I repeat,people assume that a 鈥済ood man鈥 is defined in this manner,but rarely do people critically examine the assumption to discover whether a 鈥済ood man鈥 may actually be what he is generally accepted to be.
The thinking on the 鈥済ood man鈥 has simply ignored Christianity and naturally Orthodoxy which is true Christianity.Christian experience,dogma,doctrine,canon law,are casually excluded as something personal and having little to do with the essential character of a 鈥済ood man.鈥 The Church is 鈥渨hat you make it鈥 and very few people would include in their definition of a 鈥済ood man鈥 his religion.Surely,he is expected to have one and must live up to it,but as such,it is secondary in the analysis.Of course,he must believe in God (whatever that means),but 鈥渆ach in his own way and each in his own words.鈥滭br/>
Now,can these ideas about the 鈥済ood man鈥 be reconciled with the Christian Truth?Is a 鈥済ood man鈥 (in the Christian and only sense) to be identified with the common conception of him?Is a 鈥済ood man,鈥 as is ordinarily believed,a man who does 鈥済ood,鈥 鈥済ood鈥 as we usually think of it?Is the belief,any belief in God,sufficient to make a man 鈥済ood?鈥 What is the source of our opinions concerning the 鈥済ood man?鈥 Are they from God or men?Are the ideas that most of us hold on this matter given by our environment or are they the revelation of God?In any case,let us see what the Church has to say about the 鈥済ood man.鈥滭br/>
The Church teaches that three things are required for a man to be 鈥済ood鈥滫 1) conversion 2) grace 3) faith.Conversion means repentance (literally from the Greek,鈥渃hange of mind鈥?.Conversion necessarily requires faith,the right faith,the faith given,revealed,disclosed in Christ Jesus.A man must be converted to be 鈥済ood.鈥 He must be changed from a son of Adam to a son of God by grace.He must be 鈥渂orn again鈥 (JOHN iii,3),renewed,made a 鈥渘ew creature鈥 in Christ.The result is a new mentality,a 鈥渃hange of mind,鈥 a new attitude and approach to all things.This is accomplished primarily by the Sacraments,especially,the Holy Eucharist,which give grace.鈥淏ut God,Who is rich in mercy,out of the great love with which He loved us,even when we were dead through our trespasses,made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),and raised us up with Him,and made us sit with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus鈥 (EPH.ii,4-6).It is grace,an energy of God,a gift,an undeserved favor,divine and activating,which converts us,which makes us 鈥済ood.鈥滭br/>
With a converted being a man receives 鈥渋llumination,鈥 鈥渓ight,鈥 鈥渟ight,鈥 so that his faith in God has truth,direction,substance.The life of grace gives Christian faith.That faith is the faith of the Church,the Body of Christ,the Bride with Whom Christ is 鈥渙ne flesh.鈥 This communion of Bride and Bridegroom,this common life of Head and Body,this mystical and Divine intimacy,gives rise to the experience of incomprehensible beauty.From it issues Truth,a Truth which is set in words,words which can hardly hold their meaning; and these words are Creed and canon and certitude.This is all obtained in sacred community with others in Christ,in the Church,not alone.Certainly,it must become a personal possession,but the acquisition comes through the common life in the Body of Christ.It is this experience,this knowledge,through conversion,through grace,through love and unity in the Beloved,Christ Jesus,that creates a 鈥済ood man.鈥 A 鈥済ood man鈥 is the result of what the Blessed Trinity and the Church has done.In other words,it is impossible to be a good man without Jesus Christ.
One may build hospitals,donate to charity,etc.,be characterized by all those 鈥渕oral鈥 qualities which the world calls 鈥済ood,鈥 but they are meaningless and illusory without the Christian experience:conversion,grace,faith.The very definition of a 鈥済ood man鈥 relies upon his relation to Jesus Christ.Thus,as anti-Christian is utterly wicked and a true Orthodox only is fully a 鈥済ood man.鈥 Conversion,grace,faith,that without which a man cannot be 鈥済ood,鈥 no matter what the world thinks.In other terms,the more fully a man is integrated into the life of the Church,the better man he is,and without Jesus Christ and His Bride,goodness would be impossible.鈥淔or we ourselves were once foolish,disobedient,led astray,slaves to various passions and pleasures,passing our days in malice and envy,hated by men and hating one another; but when the goodness and loving kindness of God,our Savior,appeared,He saved us,not because of deeds done by us in righteousness,but in virtue of His own mercy,by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit,which He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ,our Savior,so that we might be justified by grace and become heirs of hope of eternal life.The saying is 鈥渟ure鈥