作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 20:05:20
话题是What kind of teacher would make you glad to learn?Give us examples of their style and their infuence on you.And give your standard or expectation toward a "good" teacher.
A: Hey, did you head Jim's mother engaged a good teach for him?
B: Yes. Jim said he like the teacher very much.
A: by the way, What kind of teacher would make you glad to learn?
B: er, i think the teacher must humourous,kindly and his lesson is lively
A: which style? for example?
B: just like, his is familiar, make some fun which we won't feel boring in the lesson, willing make friends with us.
A; if you meet the teach as u talk, how about their influence on you?
B: I will like him and interest in his lesson, of course
A: got it. that's your expectation for a good teacher.
B: how about you? what's your standard for a good teacher?
A: me? a good teacher must be good at teaching. of course.
B:any others?
A: and he must be good at student's psychology, i think.
B: student's psychology? such as...
A: willing to spend the time with his student, listen to the student's heart and know how to make student more interesting in the lesson.
B: er, thinks like that. i have met a good teacher when i in high school.
A: who? do i know him?
B: Yes, she's our English teach, miss Huang.
A: Oh, i heard your classmate mention her. she is really a good teacher.
B: Yes. She brings me in ENGLISH's door. makes me enjoy it, i like attend her class everytime.
A: so lucky. i hope i will meet a good teacher.
再问: 第一行的head 和第八行的u 是什么意思啊? 第一行的head不知在句中怎么解释啊?