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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/08 17:21:30
小菜一碟:a piece of cake这样的,不要太长…… 尽量不要成语、要那种,像活到老学到老这样的,就太长了,就类似格言一样的不要,
1.晴天霹雳 bolt from the sky
2.水中捞月 to fish in the air
3.千斤一发 hang by a hair
4.镜中花 a flower in the mirror
5.水中月 the moon reflected in the water
6.一心一意 whole heartedly
7.朝秦暮楚 quick to switch
8.心不在焉 absence of mind
9.随心所欲 follow one's bent
10.杂乱无章 out of order
11.垂头丧气 in low spirits
12.拍马屁 lick sb's boots
13.挖空心思 rack one's brains