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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/09 05:17:37
1 abandon, desert, quit
1) abandon 的确切含义是失去控制,丧失了占有的能力或“放弃”某物,强调“完全,永远的遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物,如:she abandoned her child. 她遗弃了她的孩子.
2) desert 表示抛弃自己的天职或应尽的义务,所指的不是把物扔掉,而是人走掉.Desert 的含义是“过去占有过”或“过去是伙伴”.狭义上讲,这个词指“抛弃自己的义务”,强调违背誓言,命令,责任,义务等.如: desert one’s country 叛国;a deserted village 空无一人的村庄;the deserted wife and children 被遗弃的妻子儿女
3) quit 强调“突然弃去”,常指“停止”.如: she quitted her job. 她放弃了自己的工作.
2 able, can
1) able 可与情态动词(can除外)或助动词连用,而can则不能:
例如:will you be able to come here tomorrow?
He must be able to use the foreign language, forgetting all about his own.
2) able 接不定式是,只能接肯定的,主动的不定式,不能接被动的不定式.需要时可以由can代替:
例如:His voice was not able to be heard. (WRONG) His voice couldn’t be heard. (RIGHT)
3) 表示过去某个时间的能力时,不可用could, 应使用was (were) able to .
3 bring, take, carry, fetch ,get
1) bring 意为“带来”,方向是朝着说话人所在之处的,但有时bring表示的方向是朝着说话人所在之处的,但有时bring表示的方向也可以是朝向说话人曾经待过或将要去的地方;而take意为“带走”即将东西从说话者处拿走.
2) carry意为随身携带,方向不定.它还可以表示“运载(客,货物)”
3) fetch意为“去拿来”,指到别处去取东西或找人然后带回来,由于fetch已含去某处之意,故不再和go连用. Get 和fetch基本意同,但主要用于口语中.Get如与表示方向的词语连用,其方向随之变化
4) fetch和bring 均含“到某处去拿来”之意,但fetch含有“专程去做”之意,bring则无此含义.如果距离较远时,一般用fetch.
4 dress, be dressed, be in, have on, put on, wear
1) dress vt. 指穿衣服的动作:
例如:The mother dressed the baby and took her to the park.
2) be dressed in 穿着,指状态:
例如:She is always dressed in the red dress.
3) be in 穿着,指状态:
例如:The boy in sports suit is his brother.
4) have on 穿着,指状态;
例如:He has on a green overcoat today.
5) put on 穿上,指穿衣服的动作:
例如:It’s raining now. Put on your raincoat.
6) wear v. 穿着,指状态.还可指戴眼镜,手套,手表,首饰等.
例如:She is wearing his necklace.
5 drill, practice, train, exercise
例如:They are having a fire drill.
2) practice指不断地反复实践:
例如:It takes a lot of practice to become a good swimmer.
3) train指针对某种目标得培训:
例如:The soldiers got trained before they entered Macao.
4) exercise指锻炼身体或心智得练习:
例如:You should exercise more instead of constantly at home.
6 drink,have,take
1) drink指喝酒,茶,水,牛奶,汤等饮料.
2) have在口语中常用来代替take和drink
3) take用于饮茶,吃药,喝汤等.
7 divide,separate
1) divide指把整体自然的或有计划的分成几个部分:
例如:The teacher divided the class into four groups.
2) separate指把原本各自独立但混在一起的东西分开
例如:How can we separate oil from water?
8 die of, die from
1) die of侧重于“因内部原因而死亡“
例如die of cold/a fever/age/feeling
2) die from 侧重于“因外部原因而死亡“,但die of/from都可接具体得表示疾病的名称
例如die from a wound/an accident/drinking
9 desire,wish,want
1) desire属正式用语,可代替wish和want,强调主观愿望得热切性,含有强烈希望做某事得意思.
例如:He got the book he desired.
2) wish的语气比desire弱,一般用于难以实现或不可能实现的愿望,强调主观愿望,指希望,愿望,想
例如:I wish I could have a new cat.
3) want多用于口语式普通场合,指想要或需要,表示“较弱的偏爱,选择“或”强烈的需要,热爱“
例如:I want a book: 我要一本书
10 attend ,take part in
1) attend主要指出席这一动作,强调听或看
2) take part in指参加某项活动,并在其中起作用,
例如: He attended the play. 他看过这部剧目.
He took part in the play. 他演过这部剧目.
11 delay, postpone, put off
1) delay指“暂时阻挠或阻挡,稍后可再继续进行
例如:The steamer is delayed by bad weather.
2) postpone是正式用语,语义较强,指“有意识地延至将来某一特定时间”,在大多数情况下,后面说明改在何时进行
例如:The meeting has been postponed to Friday
3) put off与postpone大致同义,但较口语化
例如:Let’s put this off till some other time. 我们还是把这搁一搁,以后再说吧.
12 depend, rely
1) depend表示相信某人或某物能给予或提供所需要或盼望的帮助或支持.
例如:His family depend on him.
2) rely表示相信某人或某物会像人们所希望或期待得那样去做或给予所希望得到的东西:
例如:Can we rely upon your help? You can’t rely on the weather here.
13 rise, arise, raise, arouse
1) arise表示“出现,发生”相当于happen, appear,而rise无此义;表示“升起”,可与rise互换.
2) rise “升起”还可表示“站起,上涨”
3) raise则是及物动词,举起,扶起,提高
4) arouse是及物动词,引起,唤醒.
14 defeat, beat,win
1) defeat“击败”,战败,指在竞争或斗争中打败对方,但不一定是最后得胜利,一般地指(希望,计划等)受挫或失败:
例如:They are always defeated but never beaten. Black was defeated in the election.
2) beat击败,打败,通常指在各种比赛中击败对手
例如:We beat them by 3 points.
3) win 获胜,赢得,指在赛场上或战争中获胜,或在竞赛中获奖
例如:We won the football game yesterday.
Two boys won the prize in the competition.
15 ruin, damage, destroy
1) ruin指经过长时间的侵蚀而毁坏
2) damage一般是部分损坏
3) destroy指彻底的毁坏,摧毁
16 sow;plant;grow
1) sow意为“播、撒、播种、种”,其后跟(the)seeds或“植物(结成种状的)”.
例如:It’s time to sow wheat now . Don’t sow the seeds of hatred.
2) plant意为“栽、插、移植”,其后跟作物(多为苗状的).
例如:He plants rice fastest in the village. The garden was planted with Chinese roses.
3) grow作及物动词时,意为“种植、培植”,后接宾语(不表明种状还是苗状,强调种植后的栽培及管理过程);作不及物动词时,意为“生长、发育”;作系动词时,意为“变得”.
例如: They can only grow potatoes in the fields It grows up straight and thin.
17 fight about, fight for, fight against, fight with
1) fight about “因……而打架(仗)”,后接打架(仗)的原因:
例如:No one knew what they fought about.
2) fight for “为……而战”,后接打仗、战斗的目的:
例如:The African people are fighting for their independence.
3) fight against “和……作战,和……斗争”,后接斗争的对象
例如:The soldiers were fighting against the flood in spite of the terrible weather.
4) fight with “和……作战(斗争)”,与fight against同义,也可作“和……一起战斗”之意,要根据上下文判断清楚
例如:Great Britain fought with (=on the side of) France against Germany.
18 provide, offer
1) provide 表示“供应,提供;预防”等,是供应者与被供应者之间一种相对固定的关系,具有客观性.
例如:Sheep provide wool.
The school provide tents, but we must bring our own food.
2) offer 表示“提供;建议;出价”等义,常表示提供者一种较主动的态度.
例如:He offered to help us. She offered him the computer for $1000.
19 fear, dread, fright, dismay, panic, terror, alarm
2)Dread总表示由经验而感知的“怕”.如汉语中“一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳”,在英语中有与此意义相当的“A burnt child dreads fire.”的俗语.
20 prepare;prepare for;prepare…for;be prepared for;be(get)ready
1) prepare sth.意为“准备某事”强调准备的过程或动作,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者;另有“配置、调制”之意.
2) prepare for意为“为……作准备”,for后面的宾语是准备的目的,即所要应付的情况.
3) prepare sth.for意为“为……做好准备”.
4) be prepared for强调准备好的状态.
5) be(get)ready意为“准备好”,着重指准备的结果.be(get)ready to do还有“乐于干……”的意思.
21 notice, take notice of, take no notice of
例如:He suddenly noticed that a snake was under the tree.
2)Take notice of表示“有意注意”.
例如:Take notice of the snake under the tree.
3)Take no notice of意思是“不理睬”.
例如:He took no notice of what I said.
22 spend,take,pay
1) spend“花费”常用于 Sb.spend(s)some money(time)on sth.或 Sb.spend(s)some money(time)(in)doing sth.其主语一般是人.
例如:He spent 20 yuan on the pen.
I spent a week(in)finishing reading the book.
2) take常用于占用或花费“时间”,其句型为:Sth.takes sb.time 或 It takes sb.time to do sth.
例如:The work will take us two hours. It took me three days to travel to Beijing.
3) pay“付款、给……报酬”,它可作及物动词也可作不及物动词.pay常用于以下几种句型:①Sb.pay(s)sb.money意为“某人付款给另一个人或某人给另一个人多少报酬”.
例如:He pays me fifty yuan a week.
②pay for sth.意为“付……款、给……报酬”.
例如:He has paid for the meal.
③pay money for sth.意为“花多少钱买某物”.
例如:My father paid 40 pounds for the desk.