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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/16 23:34:48
Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.
We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…
When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.
Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body.
In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not.
Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.
Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul(简爱)
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:
We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.
We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.
We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.
We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence…
When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality.
Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.
〖汤姆索亚历险记〗的英文版读后感 I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.
Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.

The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.
My one breath reads off the fairy tale which "Sea Daughter" this Anderson writes to give me to be specially deep. "Sea Daughter" this article everybody is certainly very familiar! "Sea Daughter" in the fairy tale leading character lives in the sea deep place, is a mermaid. She might pass for more than 300 years years in the seabed world, then changed into the froth, finished her life happiness. Her life is longer than several times the humanity, but she does not have the human unique that kind “not to extinguish the soul”. In order to obtain this inspiration she to give up in the sea life, she endures these pain from already the fish tail changed into a two person leg. Afterward she liked a prince, obtained a humanity's soul. That prince and the world female has married, her hope did not have. If she continues to become “the sea daughter”after must assassinate that prince, may return to her in the family member, returns to belongs to her from already world. But she does not have to do this actually from has thrown in entering the sea to change into the froth. I like "Sea Daughter". It caused me to understand the life was valuable. Must have the strong will in anticipation in any surface, goes bravely facing it. In this book, I have not only known some happy stories, but also receives the very big inspiration education.
《爱的教育》,书名使我思考,在这纷纭的世界里,爱究竟是什么 带着这个思考,我与一个意大利小学生一起去探寻案. 《爱的教育》采用日记的形式,讲述一个叫安利柯的小男孩成长的故事,记录了他一年之内在学校,家庭,社会的所见所闻,对祖国,父母,师长,朋友的真挚的爱,有着感人的力量.文章中孩子们所表现的更多的是闪光的美德,这正是小说极力颂扬的地方.小说记录了长辈们对孩子的教育和启示,附在日记后面还以第二人称写了他们呕心沥血的教子篇.这本小说在漫长的岁月里,它陪伴一代又一代的孩子成长.可以说,这是一本永远不会过时的书.它用爱塑造人,引导我们永远保持一颗勇于进取而善良真诚的心,爱祖国,爱人民,同情人民的一切不幸与苦难.这本书一出版就受到教育界的重视和欢迎.有夏先生的推崇当然是个原因,还有个更重要的原因,当时有许多教师要求冲破封建主义的束缚,而这部小说给他们塑造了一个可以让他们仿效的榜样——当然,实际上体现的是小资产阶级知识分子的理想.
读了《水浒传》后,最大的感受就是书中的英雄们的豪情壮义,仗义疏财.先说智取生辰纲的七条好汉.智取生辰纲,是梁山好汉一番轰轰烈烈的事业的发端. 这一段好汉壮举,轰动了水浒世界里的江湖.但是晁盖一伙,做下这桩弥天大案,背后 的真实动机又是什么?是为了劫富济贫?还是说为了准备" 农民革命" ?显然都不是. 黄泥冈上,这一伙好汉劫得了十万贯金珠,而后大概经过坐地分赃,晁盖、吴用等回了 晁家庄园,三阮则" 得了钱财,自回石碣村去了." 随后并没听说他们有济贫的打算, 也没见他们准备扯旗造反(或曰起义),如果不是东窗事发,保不准他们真的就此安心 做了富家翁,一世快活.因此,这桩大案,打劫的固然是不义之财,但其实质,说穿了, 就是一次黑道行动.
一个“义”字,包括了太多的内容.《水浒传》中一百零八好汉为兄弟,为朋友赴汤蹈火,两肋插刀,就只为了一个“义”字;为人民除暴安良,出生入死,也只为一个“义”字.由此可见,一个“义”字虽然只有三笔,有时却要用一个人的生命去写.在现实生活中,给人让座几乎谁都可以做得到,但救人于危难之中却不是谁都可以做到的.因 为它需要有相当的勇气,甚至是一命换一命的决心.