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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/26 19:56:18
Realization of the right mortgage refers to the debtor fails to perform due debts agreed by the parties or the occurrence of the situation,mortgagee obtained according to the law of collateral liquidated.October 1,2007 started implementation of the "Property Law" For the realization of the right mortgage for some improvements,as opposed to "Guarantee Law" shortened the duration of the exercise of security interests; simplifies the realization of the right mortgage judicial process,effectively reducing the realization of the right mortgage costs; increase in mortgage precondition for the exercise of greater respect for the autonomy of the parties the right to the benefits of these improvements is evident in practice,but to transform the reality of thousands of society,we must adapt to rapid changes in ,if the "Property Law" on the satisfaction and this is clearly not enough.After all,"Property Law" itself is there are many shortcomings,such as application of the law and supporting the issue,mortgagee mode of implementation and not perfect realization of the right to the collateral provisions of insufficient time to pick flaws.This proposal is to constantly research and study to identify the shortcomings of which accelerate the pace of legislation and amendments,and constantly improve China's legal system.
英语翻译抵押权的实现是指债务人不履行到期债务或发生当事人所约定的情形,抵押权人依法处理抵押物而获得清偿.2007年10月 《担保法解释》第六十七条、抵押权存续期间,抵押人转让抵押物未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,1(如果抵押物已经登记的,) 抵押权中最高额抵押什么意思 为什么动产抵押权人优先于质权人受偿,留置权人优先于抵押权人受偿,不必考虑登记先后顺序的吗? 在反担保的情况下,担保人是否有权获得债务人向债权人所做的物质抵押? 民法中代为清偿,讲到,代为清偿的第三人如系就债务履行有利害关系的第三人,则依代为清偿制度, 最高额抵押权确定的应当办理最高额抵押权确定登记吗 英语翻译“破产清偿顺序中的税收优先权是指在债务人破产还债的情况下,国家作为税收债权的债权人享有就债务人的财产优先于其他债 “非当事人所能控制,而且没有理由预期他在订立合同时所能考虑到或能避免或克服它或它的后果而使其不履行合同义务的障碍.” 行政强制执行是指公民、法人或其他组织不履行法律规定的义务或行政机关依法行政处理决定中规定的义务,有关国家机关依法强制其履 英语翻译信用风险是指贷款人到期不偿还债务而使银行遭受损失的可能性.从我国商业银行的现状来看,资产质量低、不良资产比率过高 抵押权,质权,留置权的含义,请分别举例说明