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there was once a rich and kind store owner完整的完型填空答案

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 09:33:16
there was once a rich and kind store owner完整的完型填空答案
There was once a rich and kind store owner.He_1__to leave all his money to an honest young man when he was old.
A good friend of his had an idea and __2_him,"The next time you are giving the customers their _3__,make sure you give them too much.He who returns the __4_ money to you is honest," The rich man thought it was a good idea __5__he decided to try it
However,a neighbor happened to hear the __6__.He paid a witch to cast a spell on the rich old man's coins.Anyone who saw the coins __7__by the old man wouldn't see them as coins,but as something that they wanted most in the world .The neighbor ___8_ that no customer would return the old man's money.
Indeed,everything went according to the neighbor's __9__.When the old man had almost __10__ trying,the greedy neighbor sent his nephew to the old man's __11__.He had told the boy to return the old man's money.But when the boy __12__the coins,he saw in them all the money of his uncle.He didn't want to return the money and ___13__ with the coins.
Finally ,the rich old man was __14__.He decided to give his servants some money so that they could live freely when he was__15__ with thim.Among these servants was a young man,who ___16__ and respected the old man .He saw in the money a powerful medicine,which was __17__what he most wanted in the world.On seeing this ,the young man __18__ the money back,saying,"Take this,sir;it's __19__ you .It will make you feel better."
The old man felt __20__ that he finally found an honest person.He gave all his money to him.
1.A.encourage B.asked C.began D.decided
2.A advised B warned C reminded D fooled
3.A help B food C change D advice
4.A necessary B extra C useful D surprising
5.A or B as C but D so
6.A conversatiom B question C message D sound
7.A designed B created C touched D changed
8.A agreed B explained C said D believed
9.A experience B plan C try D lie
10.A given up B thought of C kept on D begun with
11.A garden B study C store D school
12.A chose B received C hid D covered
13.A sat B talked C danced D left
14.A dying B walking C sleeping D crying
15.A as usual B at once C no longer D once again
16.A surprised B loved C described D pleased
17.A probably B sometimes C hardly D truly
18.A brought B pulled C offered D wanted
19.A with B for C on D beside
20.A happy B special C interested D funny
11~15CBDAC 16~20BDBBA