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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/15 06:28:50
The whale shark,Rhincodon typus,is a slow-moving filter feeding shark,the largest living fish species.The largest confirmed individual was 12.65 metres (41.50 ft) in length.The heaviest weighed more than 36 tonnes (79,000 lb),[2] but unconfirmed claims report considerably larger whale sharks.This distinctively-marked fish is the only member of its genus Rhincodon and its family,Rhincodontidae (called Rhinodontes before 1984),which belongs to the subclass Elasmobranchii in the class Chondrichthyes.The shark is found in tropical and warm oceans,lives in the open sea with a lifespan of about 70 years.[3] The species originated about 60 million years ago.Although whale sharks have very large mouths,they feed mainly,though not exclusively,on plankton,microscopic plants and animals,although the BBC program Planet Earth filmed a whale shark feeding on a school of small fish.[4]
The species was distinguished in April 1828,following the harpooning of a 4.6-metre (15.1 ft) specimen in Table Bay,South Africa.Andrew Smith,a military doctor associated with British troops stationed in Cape Town described it the following year.[5] He published a more detailed description in 1849.The name "whale shark" comes from the fish's physiology; as large as a whale,it too is a filter feeder.
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再答: 鲸鲨(學名:Rhincodon typus)是軟骨魚綱鬚鲨目鯨鯊科的一種鯊魚,是目前世界上最大的魚類,可以長到18公尺(60英呎)長,重13.6公噸(15短噸)。鯨鯊為鲸鲨科(Rhincodontidae,1984年前稱為Rhinodontes)及鲸鲨屬中唯一的成員,也是一種濾食動物。鯨鯊生活在熱帶和亞熱帶海域中,壽命大約有70年[2] 。這種鯊魚被認為大約出現在6000萬年前[3]。雖然鯨鯊具有寬大的嘴,不過牠們的食物主要是小型動植物(英國廣播公司的自然紀錄片《行星地球》曾拍攝到一隻正在捕食小型魚類的鯨鯊) 在1828年4月,鯨鯊首次被生物學家根據一隻長4.6公尺,在南非桌灣被捕獲的個體所確認。這條鯨鯊的特徵在隔年由開普敦的英國陸軍醫生安祖魯·史密斯(Andrew Smith)提出。他後來在1849年公開更多有關鯨鯊的細節。「鯨鯊」這個名稱是從魚類生物學而來,換句話說,這表示鯨鯊的體型與鯨魚一樣龐大,而且也是一種濾食動物。在越南宗教信仰中,鯨鯊被視為成神祇,並且被稱為「Ca Ong」(有「魚先生」(Sir Fish)的意思)。鯨鯊在墨西哥及大部分的中美地區因為牠們身上的斑點形狀,被稱為「pez dama」或「domino」。因為鯨鯊經常有規律的出現在貝里斯堡礁(Belize Barrier Reef)靠近人心果群島(Sapodilla Cayes)的海域,所以巴西人稱牠為「Sapodilla Tom」。鯨鯊在肯亞被稱為「papa shillingi」,這是因為肯亞人相信神將先令投擲在鯨鯊的身上,所以牠們身上才有那樣的斑點。「marokintana」是鯨鯊在馬達加斯加的稱呼,意為「眾多星星」。印尼的爪哇人稱呼鯨鯊為「geger lintang」,意為「背部擁有星星的魚」。菲律賓人則稱牠們為「butanding」。 呵,你的提问本身只是说英文介绍,要加中文是不是要加分?