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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 08:59:05
1、 Out of work for a few months,mother took up the job of waiting on patients in hospitals.
A. To be
B. Being
C. Having been
D. Having
2、He sent me an e-mail, to get some further information foe his research.
A. hoped
B. hoping
C. to hope
D. hope
3、 The public school with the private school,the guide book gives us a clear idea about the differences between them.
A. Having compared
B. Compared
C. To compare
D. To be compared
4、Tom looked at Jenny,tears his eyes.
A. to fill
B. filled
C. filling
D. fills
—Where are you,Tom?
—Here in the sitting room, wo Mr.Green.
A. is writing
B. writing
C. to write
D. written
6、An accident happened in Chengdu last month,at least 20 passengers.
A. killing
B. having killed
C. having been killed
D. killed
7、The government,as was reported in the newspaper,was on whether a new law should be made.
A. divided
B. supported
C. shared
D. separated
1、选C.Having been 用现在完成时态 前一个动作在后一个动作发生之前已经发生 且mother与be out of work这个动作间为主动关系 加ing 选用现在分词形式 2、主语He与get some further information这个动作间为主动关系 直接在hope后加ing 选用现在分词形式 3、前一个动作在后一个动作发生之前已经发生 用现在完成时态 又主语the guide与compare这个动作间为主动关系 在compare后加ing 选用现在分词形式 4、分句中有主语tears 且主语tears与fill his eyes这个动作间是主动关系 眼泪自己充满眼睛 所以用现在分词 加ing 5、答句省略了主语I(即Tom) 且I与后一动作间为主动关系 在write后加ing 选用现在分词形式 6、该句主语为accident 且accident 与kill people 这个动作间为主动关系 在kill后加ing 选用现在分词形式 7、词义辨析 be divided被分割、被分裂 support支持 share 分享 separate 分手、分开、分散 由各词义可知选A