作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 04:37:35
“是否班、对干部” Are you a class leader?
“是否‘三好学生“ Are you a model student? 或 Are you an honors student?
“是否达到体育锻炼标准” Do you meet the PE requirements?
“已达标” meeting requirements
“尊师守纪” respect teachers and rules
“接受老师教育” receptive to teachers' teaching
“有钻研精神和分析能力” have research and analytical abilities
“数学成绩较优” have excellent performance in math
再问: 前面几句能不能改成陈述句 receptive不是形容词吗?
再答: 当然可以!我是按你的中文原文结构译过来的。欢迎加分。 “是否班、对干部” XXX is a class leader. “是否‘三好学生“ XXX is a model student. 或 XXX is an honors student. “是否达到体育锻炼标准” He (或She) meets the PE requirements? “已达标” He (或She) meets all requirements. “尊师守纪” He (或She) is a respectful and law-abiding student. “接受老师教育” He (或She) is receptive to teachers' teaching. “有钻研精神和分析能力” He (或She) has shown research and analytical abilities. “数学成绩较优” He (或She) has excellent performance in math.
再问: The student always respects teachers and rules, is receptive to teachers' teaching ,has research and analytical abilities and has excellent performance in math . 这句话有没有问题? whether class leader whether model student whether to meet the PE requirements??
再答: 本来你给出全句,我就一口气给你翻出来了。这样表达更好: The student always respects teachers and rules, is receptive to teachers' instructions, has research and analytical abilities, and performs well math. (请注意标点符号该在哪里空格) 不知你有无”是“或者”否“的方格选项。如有,直接用名词或短语就行。如无,可改为: class leader or not model student or not meeting PE requirements or not