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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/11 18:00:15
第一,因为网络能容纳很大的信息量,并且人们很容易就能查询到自己需要的信息,所以现在的人们习惯了网上阅读,阅读网络小说,在网页上浏览新闻,通过网络查找论文等等.人们对图书的关注正在逐渐减小.然而,网络上的信息来源广泛,大多数都是没有经过筛选的信息,当我们在使用这些信息的时候,很少去弄清是谁发的,其来源于哪里,这些材料有无明显的错误 .而图书中记载的内容大多都是经历了时间的考验,特别是经典图书,受到了大家广泛的认可,图书是人类宝贵的精神财财富的传承体.繁杂的网络界面充斥着各种诱惑,静下心来在网络上阅读是一件非常不易的事情.与之相反,手里捧着一本书,只有眼睛与纸张的交流,这种单纯的交流能让读者有更大的收获.第三,“因特网迷恋症”又是一个问题.有学者对2000名大学生作了一项调查,结果显示许多大学生患有严重的“因特网迷恋症”.他们长期沉醉于网络世界,有的已经懒得和身边的人沟通,有的经常因担心发出的电子邮件是否已送达而睡不着觉,有的将日常的不快事通过网络来发泄,有的人一上网就废寝忘食,超过一小时不上网就手指发痒,把桌面当键盘敲……在我们的日常生活中,由于迷恋因特网而造成学习成绩下降的人、有心理问题的人等只增不减.尤其是网络提供了一个虚拟的交流平台,这样的平台造成很多人放弃了面对面的交流,通常情况下,面对面的交流才是最有效的.网络使得人们的精神变得麻木,不再相信周围的人.
Firstly, because internet has a large information source, and people are easily find the information they needed, so nowadays, they are used to reading online novels, news, or finding articles via the internet. People's attention and care for books is gradully decreasing. However, despite the large amount of information available on the internet, most of them are unsorted, and when we are using these information, we rarely go through the trouble to know who posted it, which source it is from or its accuracy. But most of the information recorded in books have stood the test of time, especially classic books that have been widely acknowledged. Books are the medium through which the precious spirit wealth of the human race is passed down over the ages. Miscellaneous internet sites are filled with various forms of temptation, and calmly read something on the internet is near impossible. In contrast, holding a book in hand with only the communication between eye and paper will benefit the readers much more than online reading. Lastly, "internet addiction" is another problem faced by many university students as shown from the research conducted which involved 2000 university students. They are so addicted to the online world that some are too lazy to communicate with those around them, some are too worried about whether the emails they've sent are received that they can't sleep, some release their anger and frustration through the internet, some forget to eat and sleep once on the internet, their fingers would iche if they are offline for more than an hour and they start tapping the desk as the keyboard. In our day to day life, the number of people whose academic results dropped or have psychological problems due to their addition to the internet only increased, especially when internet has provided a virtual communication platform causing many to give up on face to face communication. Under normal circumstances, face to face communication is the most effective, yet the internet numbed people to the point that they do not trust those around them anymore.
英语翻译第一,因为网络能容纳很大的信息量,并且人们很容易就能查询到自己需要的信息,所以现在的人们习惯了网上阅读,阅读网络 网络已成为人们查阅资料、对话交流的重要渠道。阅读下列信息,回答问题。 英语翻译网络,作为最近几十年影响人类生活方式最大的科技,给人们带来了查询信息的便利,网络超越了地理的限制,使得人们的交流 填上恰当的关联词 ( )网络能帮助人们获取信息,( )我们不能沉迷在网络之中. 英语翻译如今是网络信息的时代,互联网已广泛的应用于各行各业,并且渗透到了每个人的日常生活中.网络已成为人们发布获取信息的 如今,互联网成为人们取得信息的主要渠道合理使用网络,不但能使我们( )知识,也能( )财富, 英语翻译近些年来随着电子书以及网购的冲击对实体书店的冲击越来越大,现在人们的购书习惯、阅读习惯都发生了很大的改变,尤以年 英语翻译微博在给人们资讯分享、信息传递带来便利的同时,微博上大量的谣言也给人们的生活带来极大地困扰,并且严重破坏了网络社 英语翻译网络的弊端给人们带来的危害很严重,危及到人们的身心健康.引起了人们的广泛关注,如何正确的去使用网络,以成为人们的 网络简介的阅读. 英语翻译随着知识经济时代的到来,人们逐步认识到其竞争优势的资本是自己所拥有的知识.网络环境下,人们对知识信息提出了高质量 英语翻译网络的快捷与便利是人们喜欢使用网络交流的主要原因,与此同时,网络也能更隐蔽得传播不健康的信息.统计表明,无论哪个