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英语翻译Industrial injury,occupational disease,and workers’ comp

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/09 06:00:18
Industrial injury,occupational disease,and workers’ compensation have not been newsworthy in the conventional sense since the early 1900s.Except for the occasional disaster - the collapse of a building under construction or a mine explosion - little media attention focused on the American workplace and its dangers.In the first two decades of this century workers by the thousands were falling to their deaths from unprotected catwalks,having molten steel poured on them,and being run over by a variety of heavy machines (6,p.43).
Newspapers of the period carried alarming stories of mutilation and death in factories and mines.It was the prominence of these newspaper features that the inexorable force of public opinion began to demand reform.Attempts at reform focused on the acute problems of traumatic injury rather than the long-term problems of occupational disease.It was the traumatic injury,the sudden snap of an arm or a neck,the brilliant flash of a human body consumed in flames,that had captured the imagination of the public and quickened its indignation at the harsh working conditions of so many Americans.It was this sense of injustice that state law makers sought to appease with the first workers’ compensation laws and the first hesitant attempts at regulation of workplace safety.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act,OSHA,was enacted for the purpose of assuring safe and healthful working conditions for every working man and woman in the nation by authorising enforcement of the standards developed under the act; by assisting and encouraging the states in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions; by providing for research,information,education,and training in the field of occupational safety and health; and for other purposes (2,p.9).The act applies to every employer and employee in the nation.There are few exceptions.However,each state may take over the enforcement of OSHA in its own state through an approved state plan,which must equal or exceed the federal OSHA programme.To effectively carry out the full meaning and intent of the law,an active accident prevention safety programme must be established and enacted covering every worker in the nation.