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关于The Mid–Autumn Festival的英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/23 04:57:02
关于The Mid–Autumn Festival的英语作文
The Mid-Autumn Festival : the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival Night of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a beautiful, peaceful night. Each and every family have a joyous gathering, eat moon cakes and fruit, and enjoy the happiness of a family union. " Every festival, preparing the homesickness ", who all hope in the Mid-Autumn Festival can be family reunion, it is it's only human, but not every wish. My father is a TV journalist, because of busy work, there are several Mid-Autumn Festival can and we spent together. Thought here, I can not help but think of Su Shi's " prelude to water melody ": " so, partings and reunions. " Today is the lunar calendar in August fifteen, and was once a year the Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, I and my mother to my grandmother's house for the holiday. Eating family reunion dinner, I and my brother together on the rooftop of the moon. The moon shyly covered with layers of the veil, after a long time, only gently lifted the veil, gradually exposed to it glowing face. I carefully looked Mochizuki, heart of the distant moon empty is filled with infinite daydream..... My brother looked at the round moon in the sky, turned around in the ask: "elder sister, this is silver disc? " I heard this sentence feel angry and funny, he must be reminded of my teaching his poetry " Gu Lang Yuehang ", deliberately to show off. Then, we rushed to the moon read aloud together: " hour do not know, call for white plate. I doubt Yaotai mirror, fly in the high official position end. " We chat while eat with appetite to eat moon cakes, five Jin, lotus seed, roast pork ... ... I like yellow, a bite, sweet, delicious! Time passed quickly, in an instant it was late at night, we had to go home and unable to part from. Did not know that next year's Festival how it should be 翻译:中秋节作文:中秋之夜 中秋之夜是个美好、祥和的夜晚。家家户户欢聚一堂,品尝月饼和瓜果,享受天伦之乐。“每逢佳节备思亲”,谁都希望在中秋佳节能够得以全家团聚,这是人之常情,但又总不能家家如愿。我爸爸是位电视新闻工作者,因为忙于工作,就有好几个中秋节都不能和我们一起度过。想到这里,我不禁想起苏轼的《水调歌头》:“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。” 今天是农历八月十五,又是一年一度的中秋佳节。晚上,我和妈妈回奶奶家过节。吃完团圆饭,我就和弟弟一起上天台赏月。 月亮害羞地盖着层层面纱,过了很久,才轻轻地掀起它的面纱,渐渐地露出它的那张能发光的脸蛋。我仔细地抬头望月,心里对遥远的月空充满了无限的遐想。。。。。 弟弟看着这一轮高空中的明月,侧过脸俏皮地问:“姐姐,这是白银盘吗?”我听了这句话觉得好气又好笑,他一定是想起了我教他的古诗《古郎月行》,故意在卖弄呢。于是,我们冲着月亮大声朗诵起来:“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。” 我俩边聊边津津有味地吃月饼,有五仁的、莲蓉的、叉烧的……我最喜欢的还是双黄的,咬一口,甜甜的,味道好极了! (可选几段,并不用全按原文) 时间过得真快,一转眼夜已深了,我们只好恋恋不舍地回家了。不知明年的中秋节会是怎样的呢The Mid-Autumn Festival : the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival Night of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a beautiful, peaceful night. Each and every family have a joyous gathering, eat moon cakes and fruit, and enjoy the happiness of a family union. " Every festival, preparing the homesickness ", who all hope in the Mid-Autumn Festival can be family reunion, it is it's only human, but not every wish. My father is a TV journalist, because of busy work, there are several Mid-Autumn Festival can and we spent together. Thought here, I can not help but think of Su Shi's " prelude to water melody ": " so, partings and reunions. " Today is the lunar calendar in August fifteen, and was once a year the Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, I and my mother to my grandmother's house for the holiday. Eating family reunion dinner, I and my brother together on the rooftop of the moon. The moon shyly covered with layers of the veil, after a long time, only gently lifted the veil, gradually exposed to it glowing face. I carefully looked Mochizuki, heart of the distant moon empty is filled with infinite daydream..... My brother looked at the round moon in the sky, turned around in the ask: "elder sister, this is silver disc? " I heard this sentence feel angry and funny, he must be reminded of my teaching his poetry " Gu Lang Yuehang ", deliberately to show off. Then, we rushed to the moon read aloud together: " hour do not know, call for white plate. I doubt Yaotai mirror, fly in the high official position end. " We chat while eat with appetite to eat moon cakes, five Jin, lotus seed, roast pork ... ... I like yellow, a bite, sweet, delicious! Time passed quickly, in an instant it was late at night, we had to go home and unable to part from. Did not know that next year's Festival how it should be 翻译:中秋节作文:中秋之夜 中秋之夜是个美好、祥和的夜晚。家家户户欢聚一堂,品尝月饼和瓜果,享受天伦之乐。“每逢佳节备思亲”,谁都希望在中秋佳节能够得以全家团聚,这是人之常情,但又总不能家家如愿。我爸爸是位电视新闻工作者,因为忙于工作,就有好几个中秋节都不能和我们一起度过。想到这里,我不禁想起苏轼的《水调歌头》:“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。” 今天是农历八月十五,又是一年一度的中秋佳节。晚上,我和妈妈回奶奶家过节。吃完团圆饭,我就和弟弟一起上天台赏月。 月亮害羞地盖着层层面纱,过了很久,才轻轻地掀起它的面纱,渐渐地露出它的那张能发光的脸蛋。我仔细地抬头望月,心里对遥远的月空充满了无限的遐想。。。。。 弟弟看着这一轮高空中的明月,侧过脸俏皮地问:“姐姐,这是白银盘吗?”我听了这句话觉得好气又好笑,他一定是想起了我教他的古诗《古郎月行》,故意在卖弄呢。于是,我们冲着月亮大声朗诵起来:“小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。” 我俩边聊边津津有味地吃月饼,有五仁的、莲蓉的、叉烧的……我最喜欢的还是双黄的,咬一口,甜甜的,味道好极了! (可选几段,并不用全按原文) 时间过得真快,一转眼夜已深了,我们只好恋恋不舍地回家了。不知明年的中秋节会是怎样的呢
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