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other,the other,another

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 18:39:47
----what ----subjects do you like? ----I also like math A.another B.the other C.other
解题思路: 如下
----what ----subjects do you like?
----I also like math
A.another B.the other C.other
one, other, the other, others, the others,another等的用法
○→●(one…the other…)表示只有两者的情况下,一个与另一个的关系。
I have two friends.One is a teacher and the other is a doctor.
○→●●●(one…the others…)侧重列举多数人或物中的一个与其余全部。
They have four children. One is a girl, the others are boys.
I don’t like this pair of shoes. Would you please show me another pair?
○○○→●●●●(some…the others…)列举多数人或物中的一部分和其余全部。
Some students are reading, the others are drawing pictures.
Last Sunday, some students went to the Great Wall, others stayed at home.
the other加了the,表示剩余的全部。句意“其他的科目你还喜欢什么?我也喜欢数学。”并不表示剩余的全部,所以B也不正确。
the other, the others 加有the 表示其余的全部。
the others, others 加有s表示该单词为名词性质,后面不加名词。
other, the other后面没有s,则他们后面要加名词。
Last Sunday, some students went to the Great Wall, others(= other students) stayed at home.
They have four children. One is a girl, the others (= the other children ) are boys.