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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 04:45:45
1. if you want _. you have to get the fund somewhere
A. that the job is done B. the job done
C to have done the job D the job that is done
2.it looks _you are made a serious mistake
A. as B if C though D as though
3.we have done things we ought not to have done and _undone things we ought to have done
A leaving B will leave C left D leave
4.the radio of the work done by the machine _the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine
A against B with C to D for
1.选B want sth done意为想要某事被完成,而工作是被完成的,其他选项:A的问题是is done表示已经完成的状态,不符合题意要去完成的状态.C.应该说want to 后面不可能加完成时,只能加一般现在时,eg.I want to finish the work.D.that is done是用来修饰the job的,你可以理解为一个形容词,“完成了的”
2.选D as though、as if都是“好像”的意思,句意就通了,译为:你似乎犯了一个严重的错误.你的题目好像打错了,不是“was made”而应是“have made”.A选项的话,look as意为“把...看作或当作”,eg.look MJ as my idol 把杰克逊当作我的偶像.显然这样句意不符.假如是将look ,as分开来看的,as的作用应该就是引导从句,意为“正当...的时候”,所以也是不对的.
3.选C 这里应该考的是并列句式,and前后的句式是一致,假如有have left的选项,选就对了,但是这里and后省了个have,也是一样的.
4.我也不确定选什么.我的理解,大致的句型是什么 比上 什么 称之为机器的效率.“比上”,这个介词不确定.