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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 21:26:04
他用尽全身的力气跑了过去,他捡起神灯,不停的擦啊擦,盼望着奇迹的出现.突然,一团白雾从灯嘴喷出,他出于本能的往后一坐.白雾渐渐的消失了,只见一瓶标着“Watermelon Cola”的红色饮料摆在面前,他不由失望的叹了一口气,但是出于口渴,他还是拿过来喝了一口.随着饮料入口,他身体为之一振,从双耳冒出两股白色的冷气.他看了看手中的饮料,说了一声:“Cool!”接着一口气把一整瓶都喝了下去.就在此时,天上下起了太阳雨,太阳也之前阴了一点.随着雨滴落地,沙漠中迅速的 长出一片片藤蔓枝叶,藤上结出一个个又大又圆的西瓜.不一会便蔓延开来,视野可及之处全是一片绿色.接着,他躺一把折叠躺椅上悠闲地吃着西瓜.这时候,屏幕上打出一行标语:“Let's make a cool summer!”标语下是Logo.
An explorer (cartoon) came to a desert to search for the legendary Aladdin lamp that the TDP. His body with water and food are all running out of the hot sun exposure this piece of desert, his hands weak snapping, legs difficult to shift, with dark river on the face, eyes expressionless look on the front, filled with eager eyes. Finally, his two legs were no longer able to support it, kneeling in a desert, this time, a gust of wind scratch. Not far away, in front of a bronze exposed to the things that he can pull oneself together a foreign image of a teapot, pot belly swelling, spout harsh and long. He delighted shouts : "TDP!" He exhausted a lot of effort to run in the past, he picked up the TDP and kept wiping the rub ah, hope for a miracle to happen. Suddenly, a group shot from the lights emitted from the mouth, his instinct for the next one sitting. Shot gradually disappeared. I saw a bottle marked "Watermelon Cola" in red drink before, He can only disappointed sighs, but for thirsty, but he was the one who has soup. With imported beverages, instantly lifted his body from his ears out two white air-conditioning unit. He can read the hands of the beverage and said loudly : "Cool!" Then in one drank an entire bottle of indefinitely. At this time, the sky began to rain the sun, the sun is a bit overcast before. With raindrops landed and the desert rapidly growing vine leaves a film, rattan bear on one big round watermelon. Walking will spread, vision can see is a whole green. He then lying on a folding deck chair leisurely eating watermelon. This time, the screen displayed his slogans : "Let's make a cool summer!" Logo is under the slogans.