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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/02 11:16:44
Tea to the tea
To translate for translation
A, the opening
Through thousands of years long history and culture of different, tea culture has a long history, extensive and profound, are gems of Chinese culture.
Let us linger around one thousand tea and enjoy tea god liu yu tang era, modern interpretation of the tea ceremony.
Second, teachers, and flowers
Points: the first tea science book "saint" was born in tang dynasty, the glorious era. Hung-chien liu yu, a word, a lifetime love tea, tea ceremony, to the world's first tea monographs.
A cup of three:
Liu yu's "saint" is divided into three chapter ten more than seven thousand words, respectively is: the one source, two of the most, the building of three; Of the four; Five cook, drink of six, seven, eight out of nine slightly, ten figure. "The saint" popular all over the world, too people learn and collection.
Four, the kettle
Ding, the jack, the tang dynasty the wind furnace with the tripod with two handles for the furnace, the bottom of the furnace has three feet, a foot is is "in camp on xun under", the other foot is all five lines of "body to the disease", the third is "st tang Hu Mingnian cast. In between the three Windows open with three legs, saying six words, respectively is & quot; the male & quot;, & quot; soup & quot; lu, & quot;'s tea & quot;, which means & quot; the soup, importance of tea & quot;, among them, kangua, away from the hexagrams, xun hexagrams, and combining with China's yi jing, water, fire, wind, three hexagrams from implements the structure when it comes to use of boiled tea, to understand the concept of Confucian doctrine.
Fifth, at the first
Today is the tea tea division use Liu Yuhong pot of baoding and the tea pot group gradually. God commemorates tea tea, and the creation of a modern tea sets.
Hung-chien pot for egg-shaped pot body, plump, a symbol of the "primary", plume pot put embossed with a gradually hexagrams of xun next gen on lines, and a complete set of tea sets with tea to 再答: tea hermit sentiments of jie.
Six, note the tea into the cup
Baoding pot set for the tripod with two handles for the pot, bowl, said after the tea tea god, carries forward the spirit heritage the tea pot. Pot body plump, and somewhere, like a gentleman narain of doing things really van, baoding pot of stability in the disc tea ship, ling Ming Yang huanyu, word spread of the four big mind.
Seven, serve tea
Tea comes from life, the integration of humanistic temperament, constitute the aesthetic feeling of Confucianism culture and self-cultivation. Infinite space, wen xiang tea in tea, the fugue district, forget the bun.
Eight, the second
Slowly flowing music, carrying the traditional tea drinking customs of the Chinese nation, deducing the modern drinks the fashion, the fragrant and the music of living museum, slowly release, stretch, continuity and durability. Describes the elegantly beautiful picture scroll of history.
Nine, end
Sincerely shennong, smell in lu zhou, tea history traced back to ancient and
Through to see liu yu, song Lou 8, nameplates, feng yu sheng to see today.
英语翻译茶想陆羽求翻译求翻译一、开场纵览数千年不同的历史文化长河,茶文化源远流长,博大精深,是中国文化中的瑰宝.让我们一 翻译 中国文化源远流长,博大精深. 英语翻译“中国的茶文化源远流长”怎么翻译?用英语 英语翻译中国是一个泱泱大国 中华文化历史悠久,源远流长,博大精深 是世界文化宝库中的瑰宝 我感到十分的自豪补:作为一个中 中国式摔跤具有悠久的历史,源远流长,博大精深,是国粹,武术的一个重要分支,起源于徒手武术中的一门专门技术 英语翻译中国的法律文化自古有之,源远流长,博大精深.它不仅影响中华民族数千年,还走出国门,对亚洲的周边国家产生了深刻地影 英语翻译正如大家所知,中国文化博大精深,汉字亦是中国文化里浓墨重彩的一笔!现在,让我们微微领略一下汉字的风采吧!类似意思 谁能帮我翻译一下谚语是英汉两种民族中的瑰宝,也是两种民族文化的结晶,英语谚语是英语文化宝库中绚丽多彩的瑰宝.看似简短的一 中国文化源远流长,博大精深.古代有掌管历法的专门人员,一定有相关的书籍.着人们夜观天象的故事不生枚举.谁能推荐一本关于天 英语翻译中国是茶的故乡,也是茶文化的发源地.茶文化的内涵其实就是中国文化的内涵的一种具体表现,谈茶文化必须结合中国汉文化 诗歌是中华五千年历史文化中的一朵瑰丽的奇葩请阅读下面的诗句:栖树一群鸦 中华文化的特征;源远流长,博大精深