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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/08 23:47:31
英语作文 120字以上
In recent years,although there are some young teachers from normal universities in rural primary and secondary schools on education jobs,to education front "input fresh blood",but still insignificant.Teachers quality overall level is not high,and it is hard to give the rural school with life and vitality.The original old teacher should try education in teaching produced the so-called "experience",teaching them relatively old,conservative,lack of education reform heart,teaching means backward,the talents training target with the time development need does not adapt,in the teaching process of teachers are heavy wisdom light DE,neglecting to other aspects of the quality of the students' training,the classroom to adopt a "base","spoon-feeding" teaching mode.The old method of teaching can't adapt to the new era of high school students need,does not adapt the student age the characteristics of the knowledge.Serious killed students' interest,usually make "topic naval warfare" that student has become a problem solving machine.Frequently,the test series,make score line up,and make the students to become the slaves of the examination,students often in a spirit of repressed laboured at,disgusted,and even play truant,QiXue,so that the students' physical and psychological health are great damage.And some of the young teachers,because just on jobs,wanted to adopt a new teaching method,but was the force and the lack of experience in teaching,finally had to bow to the exam-oriented education.Also had to some old teacher walked along the way forward,eke out her "exam-oriented education",learning what texperience of teaching.hey
To the existing exam-oriented education cause analysis
The above problem in big entrance competition,the teacher's "spoon-feeding","base","exams tactics" teaching methods,cause of these problems is mainly based in the current education should try education tendency,and existing exam-oriented tend to have the following a few reasons:
2.1 talent education system for quick returns
Implementation of compulsory education in 1986 years ago,our country education implementation is the selection process,layer upon layer of talent education system out.From elementary school to junior high school,high school,to the university,the number of entrance step-down descending,into a pyramid.At present,the number of college admissions in their,only about 9%,the fierce competition entrance is it can be imagined.
2.2 the employment pressure
At present,in addition to the university,can find the ideal position outside,other employment channels most is not clear.The college students can obtain employment,often depends on the status of its parent,power,relationship or money to decide.So this is also so many parents force their children the cause of the high test.
2.3 personnel system to record of formal schooling of inappropriate request,aggravate the matriculation competition
Now the employing units to demand more and more degree,devotion to highly educated results will create many negative impacts.Now all walks of life is improving education background,even the common laborers post also began to not let compulsory education graduates' employment.Don't even properly regulations shall not XuChu,high school graduates directly to the Labour market.To have a country of 1.3 billion people speaking,to develop the employment channels,not only in degree.
The current the employment system makes subject only to the nine years of compulsory education of the people is hard to find jobs,greatly limited its living space.We now of the diploma,although is low wages,but on the other hand,will see it ZhangWenPing relationship to the general level,DiaoZi,carry work,housing distribution,employment,the title,and still can benefit families,value is high.No wonder people say,the 21 century,the university undergraduate is life's mark.Therefore,the pursuit of diploma has reached very fierce degree.
Only once experienced to Japan brings many problems to this,Japan already beginning to ask these questions.At present,we have not yet reached the age of experienced only,but for the pursuit of education has come very serious degree,therefore,we should have a highly vigilant.
2.4 gap between urban and rural areas
Many of China's problems associated with the,the farmers' income is low,the condition is poor,working intensity big,life is poverty.The children of farmers to jump up out of the NongMen.The original can also through the army,workers channel,now farmers children change the way farmers do throughout your generations probably only college this a way out.Although the university don't pack distribution,but after the graduation work or a guaranteed.This is the important reason caused bound competition.
All these reasons,all make bound competition is so fierce that various contradictions into pressure,pressure on to the school.And the emergence of local administrative chief graduation rates high as his achievements,there are education director for graduation rates fell and been removed phenomenon.Complete bound index are rewarded,to finish index will be punished; The director of the index to the principal,the principal and the entrance to the teacher in charge teacher and had the index.Although we think it is wrong,found to deal with,but in fact is the long-standing.Thus forming such a situation; The government pressure education department,the education administrative department pressure school,school pressure teacher,teacher pressure students,and parents pressure students,which is ranked one important method.Parents,teachers and schools by different means to put pressure on students,the students' living space so don't loose,how can talk up vivid and lively development,how to talk up active development,how can talk up to cultivate innovative talents?This layer upon layer pressure,the pressure in the student body and,certainly will affect the healthy growth of teenagers.
Quality and quality education are closely linked.Improving the quality of people is inseparable from education.What kind of quality,there should be corresponding to quality education.The quality of people can be broadly divided into physical and psychology,and social and cultural quality,corresponding,there are physiological and psychology,and social and cultural quality of education.If the detailed breakdown,the quality of people can be divided into ideological and moral quality education,cultural and scientific qualities,physical,psychological,aesthetic quality and the quality of labor skills,etc.Correspondingly,there are ideological and moral qualities,scientific and cultural quality education,physical quality education,quality education,psychological,aesthetic quality of education and work skills,and quality education.Quality with integrity.Human aspects of quality are not isolated,but check each other and interdependent whole.Quality education must follow the overall structure of the quality of people's rule,the overall quality of the structure from the people starting to make quality education and the quality of people adapt the structure and develop people's overall quality.Modern education not only go to quality physical and psychological level,but also extended to the social and cultural dimensions.Quality is an individual,group and nationality unity.This requires not only attention to the quality of education in a variety of individuals,but also to the overall quality of the sound,but also committed to the improvement of the whole nation as a whole.