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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 11:53:00
Passage Two
Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church.If one is not familiar with the service,he may maintain a respectful silence,standing when others stand,sitting when they sit,and bowing during prayer.On entering a church an usher will probably show you to a seat and it is polite to take the one indicated by him,though it is quite proper to whisper a suggestion that one does not want to sit too far to the front,or that one is a little deaf and would like to sit well forward.
It is usual for anyone attending church to take some money along for the offering,as it is a regular part of every church service and is used for the work of the church.Good clothes,but never evening clothes,are worn to a church service.In some churches it is improper for a lady not to wear a hat.It is impolite and disrespectful to talk or whisper,to eat or chew anything,or to enter or leave during the service.One must come on time and stay till the service is over.When the service is over,one passes quietly out of the church with the other worshippers.In many churches it is considered irreverent to talk before one has reached the entrance hall.
Sometimes the “Lord’s Supper” or “Communion” is observed at the end of the service.This is a special service for the fellowship of Christians,and one is not supposed to participate unless he is a Christian.He may sit quietly and observe the service if he wishes.
6.If you don’t know the procedures quite well,you’d better ___________.
A.sit there silently all the time B.stand by and observe the others
C.do as the others do D.sit in the front seats
7.On entering a church,you ___________.
A.can speak loudly to your friends
B.may whisper to the usher where you prefer to be seated
C.must follow the usher’s direction
D.should always try to sit near to the front
8.It is desirable to go to a church wearing ___________.
A.your best clothes B.your evening clothes
C.clothes neat and formal D.a hat
9.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.You’d take some money with you to the church.
B.Women are allowed to wear a hat in some churches.
C.You cannot be late for the service.
D.You may start talking when the service is over.
10.At the end of the service,__________ can take part in the “Communion” .
A.only Christians B.all the people present
C.only Americans D.all the natives
6) C
第一段第二行standing when others stand,sitting when they sit,and bowing during prayer.
7) B
8) C
9) D
10) A
第三段第二行one is not supposed to participate unless he is a Christian.
再问: 好吧 就选你了, 要是错了的话 大家会一起鄙视你的~