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书面表达.按下列提示写一篇名为“A Happy Trip”的短文,词数70左

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/15 01:41:48
书面表达.按下列提示写一篇名为“A Happy Trip”的短文,词数70左
按下列提示写一篇名为“A Happy Trip”的短文,词数70左右,文章开头已给出,不计入总词数.
提示:和好朋友坐公交车一起去爬泰山(Mount Tai);要描述山上环境及游人状况;吃野餐并拍照,感觉很累但…….
A Happy Trip
Last summer holiday,after I finished my homework,
August 4, our whole family happy with the feelings ofpeople toured the scenic Mount Tai.Qu in the car was travelling on a mountain road about 10minutes to reach the mouth of the tramway, we areprepare... 再答: 还有一半
再答: 等一下
再问: 嗯
再答: Chinese characters before the boulder, where can feel that clouds the face of Pulai, the scenery around Yingyingchaochao, as if worldly paradise general, people Liulianwangfan. We then follow up on to the Yuhuang Ding, down from the Yuhuang Ding, a "when will Jueding Ling, Xiao Shan Public List". Yu Huangmiao in Yuhuang Ding, the three houses with red walls and pillars, grey tiles, antique. Front of the temple is a carved "Wu Yue Only" a rock, the word is red, deep and effective, gives people a sense of Hammer. Yu Huangmiao on both sides of the "children and grandchildren list", "Head to the vast sky", "can transfer Qingyun," "extreme" and so large that moment. Tai Shan is too beautiful, really Buxucihang. I can not help but think: "Wu Yue Guilaibukan mountain, Mt Taishan Guilaibukan" words, have the opportunity, will travel peers, and then enjoy the beauty of Mount Tai. 从two那里
再答: 一篇完整的爬山作文,自己改一下更好
再问: ……好吧
再答: 我把中文翻译给你,你自己对着改一下
再问: 哦
再答: 点介绍二: 8月4日,我们全家人怀着愉快的心情游览了风景秀丽的泰 山。 汽车在盘曲的山路上行驶了大约十分钟就到达了索道口,我 们准备乘坐缆车上山。在缆车上,我向下看,漫山遍野的树 木和鲜花,在阳光的照耀下显得格外鲜艳。突然,一道瀑布 映入眼帘,从山上飞泻而下,好似一条银帘挂在山前,颇为壮 观。 下了缆车就到了“南天门”。走近一看,很像北京宫殿的门, 气势磅礴。只见上面镶着三个金色的大字:“南天门”,左右 则是一副蓝底金字的对联,上面写着:“门辟九霄 仰步三天 胜迹,阶崇万级 俯恰千嶂奇观。”南天门下面的石阶便是十 八盘,是登山路上最险的一段,从上望下看,像是一条“天梯”, 险得很。 接着向上走,来到了一块刻着“泰山”两个大字的巨石前,在 那里能感觉到云雾迎面扑来,四周的景物影影绰绰,仿佛人 间仙境一般,使人流连忘返。 我们接着向上走,就到了玉皇顶,从玉皇顶上往下看,有一 种“会当凌绝顶,一览众山晓”的感觉。玉皇庙在玉皇顶上, 三间屋子配有红色的墙和柱子,灰色的瓦,古色古香。庙前 有一块刻着“五岳独尊”的石头,字是红色的,深刻有力,给人 一种豪迈的感觉。 玉皇庙两侧有“儿孙罗列”“目尽长空”“青云可接”“登峰造 极”等大字题刻。 泰山太美了,真是不虚此行。不禁使我想到:“五岳归来不看 山,泰山归来不看岳”词句来,有机会,一定会故地重游,再来 领略泰山的美景。 ----------------