作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/09 00:36:32


the man standing there with a slogan writen "welcome" on the background smiles and holds a key.he is going to give the key to some aliens as the president of the country,and makes the aliens govern the courtry at the same time. he says :"it is my honour to witness this great time , uwhen you ,the most clever creature in the world will run our country. and now i sincerely annonce that from now on , you have totally individual rights to govern our country in anyway that you like ! in addition, all the peaple will respect you as the king in the world ,"
the alien replys:" thank you , i promise i will take my responsibilitis to do my best ,but now , could you please take your time show me the most delicious human food "hamburger" first? i just can not wait to taste it , actually , it is the food that attracts me to go to the earth !"
都是我一个一个字辛苦打出来的——大致意思就是 总统 拿着统治国家的钥匙把神圣的职责交给了外星人(因为相信他们是智能生物)然后外星人迫不及待的提出要尝一下传说中人类美味汉堡包 并表示这是吸引它来地球的最大原因…… 是一个典型的英文逻辑的幽默 希望你喜欢!