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英语翻译Culture shock is the result of the removal of the famili

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/24 17:11:23
Culture shock is the result of the removal of the familiar.Suddenly the individual is faced with the necessity of working,commuting,studying,eating,shopping,relaxing,even sleeping,in an unfamiliar environment organized according to unknown rules.In mild form,culture shock shows itself in symptoms of fatigue,irritability and impatience.Being unable to interpret the situations in which they find themselves,people often believe they are being deliberately deceived or exploited by host-country nationals.They tend to perceive rudeness where none is intended.Their efficiency and flexibility is often impaired and both work and family suffer.Some people may respond by developing negative stereotypes of the host culture,by refusing to learn the language and by mixing exclusively with people of their own cultural background.In extreme cases,rejection may be so complete that the individual returns immediately to their own culture,regardless of the cost in social,economic or personal terms.Alternatively,people may retreat into their own private world,either mentally or physically.
Physical symptoms of culture shock may include headaches,stomachaches,constant fatigue,difficulty in sleeping and a general feeling of uneasiness.Unfortunately,many doctors are unfamiliar with culture shock and attempt to treat the symptoms rather than the cause.The important thing to recognize about culture shock is that it is universal.It is experienced to a greater or lesser degree by all those who move from one culture to another.Experiencing culture shock does not mean that an individual is inflexible or unadaptable.It does mean that recognition of its inevitability can lead to the development of steps to reduce its impact.
文化冲击是对熟悉地点、事物等变换的结果(比如你搬家了,就会带来文化冲击;你新买了一台电脑来替换旧的电脑,也会带来文化冲击).突然间人们需要在一个陌生的环境、通过陌生的途径来面对生活的种种必须:工作、交际、学习、吃饭、购物、休闲甚至睡眠.即使是轻微的文化冲突也会引起疲惫、易怒以及不安.由于无法充分理解自己所处的环境,处身于文化冲突的人们通常会认为自己被身边的人故意欺骗或者正受到新接触国家的剥削.本来身边之人并无恶意,但是他们却会经常如此误断.工作方面,劳动效率可能会降低;家庭方面,本来舒适的生活会受到影响.有些人会通过 产生与新到国家相抵触的消极行为 来抵抗文化冲突的影响,这些消极行为包括:拒绝学习新语言、尽量与自己文化背景相同的人来接触.在极端情况下,受不了文化冲突的人会直接离开新环境回到自己以前的家,即使这样会浪费大量的人力物力.而人们对付文化冲突的一般方法是:尽量在精神或者身体方面使自己仅仅活动在自己所熟悉的狭小空间之内.