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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/26 05:01:32
之后其实还有很多图片,但由于时间关系只能给大家看这几张,当我看完这条微博,看完这组图片之后我真的深深地被触动了,在这个京剧逐渐淡出我们的生活的年代仍然有一群艺术家不顾演出费高低,不顾场地条件好坏,不顾观众多少依旧愿意去守护和传承它.他们所守护的仅仅是京剧的表演形式吗?我想不是这样的,京剧之所以作为中国的国粹是因为它是一种具有中国特色的艺术更是民族精神的结晶,而艺术家们的这份坚守正是为了去传承这种精神,可是现在的我们当中又有多少人愿意去从老人们手中接下守护京剧艺术的接力棒,去欣赏和传承它呢?我想其数量少之又少,因为京剧在我们这代人的眼里或许早已成为该淘汰掉的“老古董 ”了.这真的是一件很可悲的事情,作为国粹的京剧逐渐被人们遗忘,而当前被人们所津津乐道的却是为钓鱼岛事件去示威游行甚至借此事件去打砸抢烧这类毫无实际意义的事情.我真的很想问问在座的每一个人,在大街上举着旗子,空喊着爱国的口号和用自己的行动去挽救和守护中国的传统艺术哪一样才更有意义,哪一样才算是真正的爱国?我想,大家心里都有自己答案.一个民族之所以存在是因为它的精神,或许在现代人眼里这种精神是落伍的,是难以理解的,但是它确实在推动着历史的发展和变迁,加速着人类文明进步的脚步,而在它的一种存在形式即将消亡之时,作为这个民族的一份子,我们就应该将其作为一种责任去留住它,而不是去排斥它,只有这样,我们的民族才能愈发的强大,愈发的繁荣和昌盛.我不知道我今天的演讲是否可以唤醒大家传承国粹,捍卫民族精神的心,是否会让你有所触动,如果有,希望你可以逐渐去理解和欣赏京剧,如果没有,也希望你不要去排斥它,不要让那些守护它的人为它的消失而流泪.
After that there are many more pictures, but due to the time constraints I can
only show a few. When I finished this tweet, i was deeply moved by the Peking
Opera singer who didn't cared about how much money they are paid, what is the
condition of their stage or how many audience they have; continued on this
Chinese traditional art, even when no one cared about Peking Opera anymore.
Are they only keeping the opera itself? i think not. For Peking Opera to be
one of China's cultural art, it is not only because of its beautiful and rich
sound, but also something that has the soul and the spirit of the Chinese
people, and those artists consisted on continueing this art further more this
spirit and soul. Looking at the society right now, who would want to get the
relay baton from our ancestors? thus likinging it and enjoying and
appreciating it? I think only a few would. Why? because Peking Opera have not
being seen as a beautiful tradition that people should appreciate but rather a
useless antique that doesn't worth people's to do it. this is a tragic! for a
Chinese who doesn't enjoy the art of their own country instead likes to
destroy the work of the other countries such as Japan. I really want ot ask
the people here, which is better? Walking on the street blindly shouting
nonsensical protesting words against Japan's occupation of Diaoyu Island; or
take an action to preserver own own nation's art and tradition. Which is
better? i hope everyone have had their own answer. A race exists for its
spirit, it is incomprehensible why people might think this spirit of
unfashionable, but it is the basic structure that keep moving a country
forward, as well as accelerating the speed of human civilazation. when it is
living form almost coming to end, people have the responsiblity to keep it
going, but not reject it. only through which, out country will be prosperit
and strong. I hope my speech is able to wake people's consciousness to the
beauty of our traditions and practices, and further more protect the precious
culture that our progenitor have hand to us. thank you.
英语翻译之后其实还有很多图片,但由于时间关系只能给大家看这几张,当我看完这条微博,看完这组图片之后我真的深深地被触动了, 我收到一封英文信,谁能告诉我真的假的,我看完之后都无语了! 英语翻译我不知道这些是阿拉伯文还是伊朗文 请高手帮我翻译 请按顺序谢谢了由于只能发一个图片还有很多图片不能上传  英语翻译我看完了secret这部影片之后,我了解到了很多对我来说非常新的信息.我同意电影中的观点,我觉得很有道理.首先是 “当你看完这部电影之后”的英文 英语翻译一个病人看完病之后,只给了医生两个便士.医生觉得委屈.问病人“这是给我的还是给护士的”“给你们两人的.”这则笑话 英语翻译我记得在看完头几页之后就把书收起来了,可是现在书不见了(put away)窃贼想带着偷来的钱溜走,但被拦住了(m 我昨天把这本书看完了的英语翻译 有没有一篇文章让我看完之后不再堕落! 怎样看书才是看懂了我看书总是走马观花的看,从来不想书里有什么内容反映了什么.看完之后想一想其实就好像没看一样,一点心得体 为什么说1942这部电影缺乏人情味,这部电影我看完之后深感人性的丑恶,导演在挖掘人性方面已经做到极致了 英语翻译这两套模具已经在修改之后,已经进行了试验,毛边问题基本上已经改善,你可以参照下面的图片.但是产品表面较为粗糙,我