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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/18 15:15:44
Yet more than 25 years has passed since I sat finals and still I wake at night with my heart thudding,dreaming that I had forgotten to revise or had had to take physics instead of philosophy.In my other standard nightmare,all my teech have fallen out,but that dream is a walk in the park compared with that moment of existential despair when you are in the school gym and you turn over the paper to find yourself unable to answer the questions.
However, last time i participated in the final exam was 25 years ago, but now i still wake up from from a dram. Either dream that i forgot to modify the answer or dream that i was forced to choose the physics rather than philosophy. The other nightmare that i often dream is all of mt teeth are falling out. But comparied with the despair that i dream i am reading the examing paper in the school stadium but i can't answer any of them, this dream make me as pleasure as walking in the park
英语翻译然而,我上次参加期末考试已经是25多年前的事儿了,但现在仍会在夜里从梦中惊醒,不是梦到自己忘记修改答案,就是梦到 做梦经常是梦到在做梦 能梦到自己梦醒 完全晕菜了 就是梦中梦 怪吓人的 在梦中梦到自己高空坠落,是那高空坠落的过程,让我感觉呼吸不过来,就像坐过山车一样,还使劲跺脚,这是肿么回事儿? 梦到狂风暴雨和死人梦到不是自己现在的家,我和老公在梦中的家正在熟睡,突然狂风暴雨,屋顶坍塌,然后落了具女人尸体到我床前. 老是在梦中梦到自己会飞, 做梦梦到怀双胞胎我自己已经有对可爱漂亮的双胞胎女儿了,今年刚1岁,但是最近又做梦梦到我又怀了一对双胞胎,梦中自我暗示是一 我在梦里梦到了问老师问题,结果老师告诉我的是真的,我在睡觉前看那问题的答案,但没弄懂,梦中却懂了, 我在梦中梦到掉牙,而且我做的是梦中梦. 关于意念力不知道怎么回事最近老是在梦中梦到自己可以飞起来而且这里次梦到别人问我为什么会飞起来!我在梦中回答他们是:意念力 总是梦到自己在厕所里我经常会梦到自己在厕所里,有时候是很大的卫生间,有时候是简陋的茅房.我在那里还不是上厕所,会干活,或 做梦梦到的红色的蛇我已经两次做梦梦到红色的蛇了,第一次是梦到会飞的红色的蛇,飞到我面前,被我一棒子打出去了,第二次梦到两 梦到自己在做梦,而且梦中梦的我看见一个坟头