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英语有趣的短语,字面意思也要写 不要乱写哦!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/16 01:12:35
英语有趣的短语,字面意思也要写 不要乱写哦!
kick the bucket 归西 字面意思:踢桶子
例句:He kicked the bucket 他归天了,他挂了
black sheep 害群之马 字面意思:黑羊
dark horse 黑马,出乎意料的获胜者 字面意思:黑暗的马匹
dog-tired 筋疲力尽 字面意思: 狗一样累
horse-play 胡闹,恶作剧 字面意思:马的把戏
lucky dog 幸运儿 字面意思:幸运的狗
when pigs fly 这是不可能的事 字面意思:当猪飞了的时候
例句:A:Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she's pregnant?
B:Yeah, when pigs fly! There is no way she is giving up her career!
Hit the ceiling 非常生气 字面意思:撞着天花板了
例句:When Carol's son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling!
French leave 不辞而别 字面意思:法国式的离别
mother wit 天生智慧 字面意思:妈妈的智慧
best seller 畅销 字面意思:最好的卖家,销售最棒
brain storm 灵机一动 字面意思:大脑风暴
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 字面意思:六六七七(有点像中文的七七八八的感觉:))
例句:The boy made the room at sixes and sevens.
black and white 黑白分明的,绝对的 字面意思:黑和白
例句:He told her in black and white that she couldn't leave the house while he was out.
ins and outs 细节,始末 字面意思:里里外外
例句:I don't know the ins and outs of the situation, so I can't really advise you.