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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/05/14 14:52:06
Small eight,a Akita dog,it came from Japan,but is somehow across the sea,by plane,by train,eventually falling to a small town America,forgotten in the train station,the United States a kind professor put back home,wife of the professor unwilling to adopt the dog,but to see the love and daughter so like,then take it,since then,the small eight has been accompanied by the professor,after growing up every day to send a professor to the train station,and then go home,at five in the afternoon and on time to the station to meet,a few years has been the same,pedestrians and people often train all know it,small eight as a symbol of the whole town or station,until the master had time out sudden illness,died in the classroom,never came back.
But the eight did not know for what,so it'll always be welcome professor to the station,have already settled down in the station square,every arrive on time.Next to the passers-by and the vendor would take care of him,in the past ten years.Small eight is old,but it will still to wait for the owner to come back the station square.The dog is old,it is really old,like Miss master sleep go to heaven.Maybe it will be able to see the professor!
From small to large,very hate cats,but always like the dog,because the dog is very emotional,and some people even better than a dog.
From the dog's eyes,I can see it on your enthusiasm,innocence,trust and dependence.
英语翻译小八,一只秋田犬,它来自于日本,却不知何故被漂洋过海,乘飞机、坐火车,最终飘落到一个美国小镇,被人遗忘在了火车站 一个小孩在火车轨道上捡个心形钥匙差点被火车装到,但是火车却在瞬间出轨了装到别的建筑物上了的一部电影 日本秋田犬和美国秋田犬有什么区别 价格贵么 英语翻译父母计划带我到祖国首都去旅游,坐火车去,乘飞机回.这是第一次乘飞机.在北京将参观长城,颐和园,北京大学等计划每天 小张在火车上发现了一 小张在火车上发现了一个有趣的现象:当所坐的火车与一列鸣笛的火车会车时,火车笛声的音调有明显的先高后 脑筋急转弯题目说有一只乌龟,一天路过一个火车站,它正想爬过去的时候,突然开过来一辆火车,乌龟由于躲闪不及,被火车压了过去 英语翻译来自于一篇阅读,背景是:在美国国家黄石公园里有一头熊袭击了一对夫妇,貌似其中一个女的到底是死了还是逃生了我也不知 小明爸爸乘火车,到北京岀差,坐火车8点岀发,小明到家火车站需要25分钟,火车开车前5分钟停止验票,什 英语翻译1.坐火车比乘飞机去上海便宜.2.在商场的入口处,有何能多打折衣服.3.他们将于4.23.离开北京.4.从南昌到 8人分别乘两辆小汽车赶往火车站,其中一辆小汽车在距离火车站10千米的地方出了故障,此时离火车停止 小日本就是被惯的,那天学学美国给它 几个 小男孩 让它在地球上消失 英语翻译【汤姆·索亚历险记】它描写了十九世纪密西西比河畔一个小镇人民的生活,可以说是当时美国社会生活的一个缩影.从小说中