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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/28 06:30:51
澳洲有约2300万人,澳大利亚95%的居民是英国和其它欧洲国家移民的后裔,华裔和华侨约20万,98%的居民信奉基督教,其余信奉犹太教、佛教和伊斯兰教. 澳大利亚人办事认真爽快,喜欢直截了当,待人诚恳,热情,见面时喜欢热烈握手,称呼名字.乐于结交朋友,即使是陌生人,也一见如故.他们崇尚友善,并谦逊礼让,重视公共道德,组织纪律强,时间观念强,赴约准时并珍惜时间.
Australia has a population of 23 million people,of which 95% of them migrated from Great Britain or other European countries.There are about 0.2 million of Chinese relations.98% f the popular are Christians while the remaining are Jews,Buddhists or Muslims.Australians work efficient and like people who are frank.They treat people with sincerity and passion.When greeting people,they like to shake hands and call them by their first names.They like to make friends,even with strangers.They are friendly,polite and follow the laws.They have a good sense of time,and will always be punctual in a meeting. 再答: 保证准确,望采纳