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英语翻译短文:Our next stop:Angkor Wat(吴哥窟),in Angkor.As we were la

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/20 05:22:15
短文:Our next stop:Angkor Wat(吴哥窟),in Angkor.As we were landing,I saw for the first time the monuments scattered throughout the jungle.It was breathtaking.This was the center of the ancient Khmer empire,and today it is Cambodia’s most popular tourist attraction.The temples here are among the most impressive pieces of architecture in Southeast Asia.They are also among the wonders of the Eastern world,in a class with the pyramids,the Taj Mahal,and Machu Picchu.Angkor is not just a city.It symbolizes in stone the spiritual relationship between the gods and mankind.Some tourists will hire a guide to take them by motorcycle around the monuments.We rented our own motorbikes,walked through the temples at our own leisure,followed our own guidebook and shot countless rolls of film from every angle,at every time of the day,especially at sunrise and sunset.For anyone who appreciates photography,architecture and religion,Angkor is a true paradise.We stayed here for five days,in Siem Reap,the gateway to Angkor.From this sleepy town ,there are about 300 monuments in all directions.The town is really a group of villages with a French colonial center.You can walk around the town and enjoy a variety of hotels,restaurants,pubs and shops.And you’ll find a range of accommodations,from budget guesthouses for US $3 a night to a few upscale hotels,at more than $300 a night.We walked slowly along the Siem Reap river,past the cafés and bars that dotted its banks.Later,we enjoyed the Asian-style discos with recorded music,dance and beer,and spirits by the bottle.There were also professional dancing partners who would charge guest for a dance as the DJ alternated between popular and Cambodian music.急求这篇短文的能够“读得通”的中文翻译,如果是直接从翻译网址上拉下来的完全读不通的翻译请不要贴上来,
我们的下一站:吴哥窑.在吴哥窑下飞机的时候,我第一次亲眼见到了零零散散分布在丛林中的历史遗迹.他们的美令人窒息.我们所处的地方位于古高棉帝国的中心,到了今日它则成了柬埔寨最能吸引游客的景点.这里的神庙代表了东南亚最杰出的建筑水平,同时也是东方世界的文化遗产之一.它们以石头的形式表现了联系了神与人类的精神纽带.在这里一些游客会选择请导游用摩托车载着他们到处观光.不过我们租用了我们自己的摩托车,我们在闲暇时依照手中的导游书徒步穿越各个寺庙,并拍摄了数不胜数的照片,其中以日出跟日落的照片为最多.对于任何一个懂得欣赏摄影、建筑与宗教学的人来说,吴哥窑可以称得上是天堂.我们在这里停留了五天,在“吴哥窑的大门——”Siem Reap(地名,我不知道应该怎么翻译),这个沉静的小镇中有着多达300个遍布小镇的历史遗迹.与其说它是小镇,不如说它是一个以法国殖民地为中心的,多个村庄组成起来的群体.在这里,你可以到处观光,享受不同宾馆、餐厅、酒吧、商店的优待.你还会发现不同层次的居所,价格从每晚三美元到每晚三百美元不等.我们沿着Siem Reap河慢慢走过了遍布河岸的咖啡馆与酒吧.之后我们在一家亚洲风格的迪斯科舞厅中享受了舞蹈与啤酒给我们带来的乐趣.那里还有一些职业舞者,会乘着在DJ在流行音乐跟柬埔寨传统音乐间切换的间隙向游客收费.