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what can be left at the end of the world?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/24 20:39:09
what can be left at the end of the world?
In 2009,a consultant to the U.S.president,Adrian,is informed by his friend of some abnormal activities of the sun,which will soon spell doom for humankind.
In 2012,a limo driver and frustrated sci-fi writer named Jackson happens to learn the secret hidden by the government and foreseen by the ancient Mayan calendar.So before the disaster tears Los Angeles apart,he flees with his ex-wife,two kids and her wife's new husband to China,where several huge arks have been built to save the rich and powerful from the apocalypse.
These days,a ticket for 2012 in Beijing's cinemas costs 80 kuai.But trust me,you will find the movie is worth the money.I'm not saying this because it's a great one.I just think that considering the 158 minutes of over-the-top,extravagant visual stunts,the movie has a right to charge that price,even though its story drags and at some point makes you wish doomsday would just arrive as soon as possible.
In spite of that,top-notch special effects can neither hide all the story's plot holes nor save it from falling into a cliché.
Moreover,if you are a thoughtful and critical moviegoer,you may even find the movie an insult to your intelligence:an Indian scientist can call his American friend via mobile phone in a world literally submerged in the global mega-tsunami; the protagonists narrowly escape volcano eruptions,land cracks or air crushes hundreds of times; the classified national project at the Yellowstone is peeped at and everyday broadcast on radio without being detected.
As the movie comes to its finale,a presumably tragic undertone even turns somewhat happy."Hey!We've survived!Let's go party!" - that's the unspoken message I heard when the theme song faded out the film.
The mere wit of the director Roland Emmerich demonstrated in this movie is probably to dress a corny story with an old Mayan prediction,which is believed by many simple-minded to happen in the approaching year 2012 and as a result,attracts millions of people into the cinema.
Having already directed Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow,Mr.Emmerich has by now completely ruined planet earth in his cinematic world.So this time,the ultimate disaster movie 2012 brings us to one big question:what other catastrophic stories can he come up with in the future?I suggest he make a movie called 2013,telling us how these survivors recreate human civilization based on nothing.I think that would be great fun.
After all,it's just an entertaining Hollywood blockbuster with plenty of jokes,instead of a portrayal of what an apocalypse is really like.Don't take it too seriously!