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英语翻译How are you feeling today?I received several texts from

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/03 00:08:51
How are you feeling today?I received several texts from you last night
wanting an explanation on whether I like you or not.This is what I have to
say about it.
I know that last Sunday when I told you how I feel was a big surprise right.
I didn't mean to tell you that soon but I wanted to know if I was wasting my
time or if I was disturbing you all this time.On my last email to you,I've
asked you some question on what you like & don't like.I actually wanted to
get to know you well.Reason on me liking you,well it has always been about
your personality.You are beautiful,kind & there is something about you
makes me like you.The first time I saw you I was a bit shy to talk to you
which were a bit strange.Also the one thing that I like about you is your
beautiful eyes.I know that all this is a bit sudden but I think you should
know how a feel about you.I know whenever I call you we always have
difficulty communicating well due to our different language but I think that
at lease we can understand each other a bit right.I guess your wondering
what is a guy from Malaysia can like you & we are far apart.On my last day
with the Academy I regret not spending time with you at the Reception which
I really wanted to do so.You know,this may sound stupid but after coming
back from Beijing right,I told my friends that I will visit there again
maybe next year.The 1st reason why is to visit YOU & my friends & other
interesting places.I wanted to tell you all this last night which I didn't
want to disturb you since you were still working.I don抰 mine calling or
sending you text all this time but I抦 only afraid that you are not
comfortable about it.
Let me tell you about myself.My real name is Shawn Eric Gomez,I was born
on 22/July/1980,well you know where I抦 from (Malaysia/Kota Kinabalu) ,My
favourite color is red & blue,I like listening to radio (music) ,I like
indoor sports.Well at least now you know a bit something about me.How
about you?(If you wish to share with me)
This is all I can explain & share to you on how I feel about you.I would
like to apologize if what I said offended you in anyway possible.I really
want to hear what you have to say.