作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

提供点儿比较与众不同的English show的材料吧!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/30 03:24:07
提供点儿比较与众不同的English show的材料吧!
现在正在上高一,在英语上课前都有一个 English show,就是展示英语.我们班的大多数人都是找了一篇文章(完型、阅读)上去念完了就下来了,看的一点儿意思都没有.马上就要轮到我了,我不想也上去念一篇就下来.就是希望能捧一下气氛
I suggest you sing an English song.It can demonstate your ability in speaking the language.And it is fun for teacher and other students to watch.
If you can't sing,you can perform some kind of "talk show",meaning you gather some material of current events,then speak it out.Of course you need to gather things who are funny,not just boring news.
Lastly,you can use English to do a prensentation.It could be showing a picture of your choice,then talk about it.Or you can use English to recommend a stock to buy or sell.
Send me your material,I can take a last look for you.