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请说一下reduce of的用法.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/05/13 05:41:45
请说一下reduce of的用法.
educe [ri'dju:s]
[ #orgreduce 过去式reduced 过去分词reduced 现在分词reducing 第三人称单数reduces 名词reducer 形容词reducible 副词reducibly ]
reduce [ri'dju:s; -'du:s]
1.减少;缩小;削减,缩减;精简:例句:They have to reduce expenses this year.
他们今年必须削减开支.2.降低;减轻:例句:She tried to reduce her weight.
她设法降低她的体重.3.将…归纳;简化:例句:We can reduce his speech to three sentences.
我们可以把他的讲演归纳成三句话.4.换算;折合:例句:If you reduce 3 lbs.to ounces,you have 48 ounces.
如果将3磅换算成盎司,可得48盎司.5.使变为:例句:The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins.
猛烈的炮火使这个村庄变成一片废墟.His words reduced her to silence.
他的话使她哑口无言.6.把…弄碎(或熔化等);捣碎:例句:Their daily work is to reduce the rocks to dust.
他们每天的工作就是将岩石捣碎成粉末.7.使降级;使降职:例句:He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.
他因严重失职被降为普通士兵.8.降服(使有秩序等);攻陷(城市等):例句:The teacher soon reduced the noisy class to order.
教师很快就使这个乱哄哄的班恢复了秩序.The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.
村口的堡垒遭到突然袭击而被攻陷.9.使处境困难(或悲惨等);迫使,逼迫[常用被动语态]:例句:The bad harvests in the last few years reduced the peasants to extreme poverty.
过去几年的庄稼歉收使农民变得极为贫困.Poverty reduced them to begging for a living.
贫困迫使他们乞讨为生.10.使变弱;使变瘦;使衰退:例句:He is reduced to skin and bones.
他变得骨瘦如柴.11.约束;限制:例句:Business was reduced to local buying and selling when the war broke out and international trading ceased.
战争爆发国际贸易停止后,商业就只限于地方性的买卖了.12.【数学】约简:例句:The last problem is to reduce an equation to its simplest form.
最后一道题是将一方程式化简为最简单形式.13.使…浓缩变稠:例句:The last step is to add some salt and reduce the soup for three minutes.
最后一个步骤是加些盐然后使汤浓缩三分钟.14.(用油)调稀(或冲淡):例句:We can use this special oil to reduce the thick paint to a liquid thin enough to spread easily .
我们可以使用这种特殊的油将浓油漆稀释一下,使它刷起来比较省力.15.【化学】还原;分解(化合物):例句:Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.
水通过电解可以分解为氧和氢.16.【外科学】使…复位(或复原):例句:A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.
医生能使骨折或脱臼复原.17.【语音学】使(重读元音)弱化:例句:Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.
1.减少;缩小;缩减;减弱2.(节食)减肥:例句:She has been reducing for the last few weeks.
她在最近几周一直在节食减肥.3.【化学】还原:例句:Ferrous iron reduces to ferric iron.
二价铁能还原成三价铁.4.(液体)浓缩变稠:例句:The soup will reduce by adding some cooking starch.
汤中加些淀粉将变稠.5.(油漆、颜料等)稀释:例句:Most paints reduce with turpentine.