作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/10 00:11:08
What characteristics do you think are important to be a great leader?
Do you think that military strength is necessary to maintain peace today?
What rights do you think are necessary to ensure political freedom?
Is there a danger that the Cold War might return?
What problems do you think might lead to World War III?
Answer like this:why_____________________,esamples or mentalities or statistics__________________________
leader 特质:1--7
Having a great idea,and assembling a team to bring that concept to life is the first step in creating a successful business venture.;
Honesty,Whatever ethical plane you hold yourself to,when you are responsible for a team of people,its important to raise the bar even higher.;
Ability to Delegate, Finessing your brand vision is essential to creating an organized and efficient business,but if you don’t learn to trust your team with that vision,you might never progress to the next stage ;
Communication, Knowing what you want accomplished may seem clear in your head,but if you try to explain it to someone else and are met with a blank expression,you know there is a problem;
Sense of Humor,Morale is linked to productivity,and it’s your job as the team leader to instill a positive energy.That’s where your sense of humor will finally pay off.Encourage your team to laugh at the mistakes instead of crying;
National power has many components,some tangible,like economic wealth,technical pre-eminence.Other components are intangible -- such as moral force,or strong national will.Military forces,when they are strong and ready and modern,are a credible -- and tangible -- addition to a nation's power.When both the intangible national will and those forces are forged into one instrument,national power becomes effective.

你这些问题是属于开放性的,每个人思维不同 答案也会不同,感觉就像考GRE.即便中文这些问题,我们的思维逻辑都可能不到位,何况英语了.只能先编辑中文思维了,我这里谷歌太卡,以后找我吧
再问: 你好!简单答下就行了,不用那么专业哈。麻烦简单答下好吗?谢谢哈
再答: 不急的话明天再说吧,我这谷歌确实卡。怎么找你