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[求助] 修改下面五个有错误的英文句子~!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/02 05:08:18
[求助] 修改下面五个有错误的英文句子~!
1. According to my opinion, we should go swimming.
2. We watched a play in which the actor dies at the end of the play.
3. I really admire you having six weeks holiday. We never have such luck.
4. First i did my Maths homework then some English and at last I studied for my history test.
5. Tomorrows temperature will vary between 28 to 32.
In my opinion,we should go swimming.
According to my mind,we should go swimming.
We watched a show in which the actor died at the end of the play.
I really admire that you have six-week holiday.We never have such luck.
I really admire you having six-week holiday.
First,I did my Math homework,then some English,and at last I studied for my history test.
The temperature of tomorrow will vary from 28℃ to 32℃.